live complex bands


Nov 9, 2001
So, when you see a band live and their music is pretty complicated, would you rather

1) have them stand still and play every note perfectly, ala Opeth


2) Have them get really into it and play sloppy?
Well they all do their share of headbanging, but really, whether they jump around or not has nothing to do with the incredible stage presence they have. I have those two bootleg videos I downloaded a while ago, and I just can't stop watching them. Opeth truly is an incredible live band. I wouldn't want them jumping around that much either. It just isn't them.

To be honest, I'd prefer if bands didn't jump around for the sake of playing more accurately.
In my concert going life, I have seen only one band that was complex and clean, and it was all about playing the music - Santana. The best live musical experience of my life.

I know not a metal band - but your question didn't say metal band.
I never headbang when i play live... It's pretty fuckin' hard to play complex times etc when your hair is hanging around your hands, and you can't see the fretboard.

The other guys in my band fuck around tho... the other guitar-player has THE MULLET TO END ALL MULLETS.... when he headbangs, the mullet comes right over his face... ha ha. funny shit.

I hate concerts and live events, too many dickheads that wanna be violent. I would prefer to sit down on a seat and take in what the band is playing...