Live Consternation TRAILER!

Nice trailer! I will definitally pre-order this one, even though the setlist could be better imo. I agree with stefan86 on Will I Arrive and in addition: Help Me Dissappear and Clean Today.

The cool thing about this dvd is that this is a total different kind of show than the one on the Black Sessions DVD.
Nice trailer! I will definitally pre-order this one, even though the setlist could be better imo. I agree with stefan86 on Will I Arrive and in addition: Help Me Dissappear and Clean Today.

The cool thing about this dvd is that this is a total different kind of show than the one on the Black Sessions DVD.

Yes sir Help Me Disappear!!!!I would die to hear it live!!!And Daniel is not speeding up all the songs but some of them like Ghost of The Sun it's way too fast...Anyways it doesn't sound so out of place.
So Ok, audio aned video are great

but shame that so small setlist and.... i'm not sure how will Jonas voice sound..
i'll have to wait, but for now i think that on "The Black Sessions" video vocals are better :/ time will tell...
Oh and guitars on Leaders are v.nice !
Looks pretty kickass, preordering this now!

and for all you who don't like the setlist...isn't there a more proper DVD being released later?
se escuchan bien vergas, y la voz del jonas se escucha mucho mejor ahi,por que ni siquiera en el album en si me gustaron, les falto el "feeling" jonesco etc etc....ya dejando de mamar buaaaaa
even a bad katatonia performance still outshines most other bands good ones.


And yeah... i saw the site kinda 3am today.... there was 3 posts about it... but i simply could not write anything about it... was in a total ' stand by ' state. hah..

well i think its awesome.. really liked what i could hear from Anders too.. and didn't find that Jonas was not singing properly... i loved some parts i could hear.. felt the 'heat' on it... only thought there was way lot of delay in some parts.... well....... i got to see the entire thing to judge it.

and loved to have the wallpaper from cd cover ... cuz as already satated.... THIS COVER IS KILLER.

i felt so pre-ordering it... i've never did it before.... always wait untill the release and stuff... but unfortunally i had trouble with my VISA ( one weird transaction i haven't done.. ) .. probably cloned.... and i blocked it...
You're welcome :) Those are available on that link in the first post in the "Downloads" section. Just in case it was missed I reposted them here for you guys.

Edit: Well I took one and used the DO era logo on it if anyone wants it, or I can re-post with no lettering on the wallpaper too. Reply here or send me a PM if you would like either/both and what size you want it. I'll post the edits in this thread or in a reply to any PMs if anyone is interested.

i saw when first entered the page... i really clicked all the site before seing the preview... i like foreplay. heh..

but yeah i would love to see kata logo on it .. share this new one... !
