Well of course, it's their job to take care of people who are acting too rowdy. However, the means in which they take care of rowdy people is critical. If they act accordingly, the rowdy character will get the point a take it down a few notches. If they let their testosterone get the best of them and act like a meat head, then they will only anger the person in question further. A perfect example of the worst case scenario of this is the event that conspired after Ghost's set on Sunday night. I'm not taking either side on this but obviously the security let it get way out of hand and they played a major role in that.
Also, the way that they dealt with me was completely uncalled for. I was 17 (and looked even younger), 5'10 and only weighed 110 pounds. My size was especially obvious because of the fact that I was shirtless. They, on the other hand, were fairly to very large fully grown men. If they acted like that with me, I would not doubt that they would antagonize a fight with somebody that is looking for one.