Live MP3's?

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I certainly don't want to step on the toes of the guys in Enchant, but while I've got every Enchant CD they've recorded, I've never had the chance to see them live...

I've got a couple of MP3's ("King" and a cover of Alice in Chains "Would")

Does anyone have any other live tapes of Enchant they'd be willing to trade? And if the band doesn't want this stuff distributed, no problem, i'll stop asking...


Hey, I don't know if you know this but that cover of would is likely the one with Mike Portnoy on drums.....I can't think of another time we played that the way I'm cool with live bootlegs floating around, in fact I'd like to get my hands on some----ted

i would love to get my hands on that song! it would be very interesting to hear, speaking of covers, there is never a moment i don't think about what Enchant would sound like doing a Rush cover whenever i listen to the Working Man tribute album, maybe that could change :) i have also seen live music files of King and The Thirst on Napster that i could never seem to download to this day...

Hey there Tish

Hey I have some video footage of that crazy tune? Hey didn't we play that one last week? Thursday?

I believe we had Would in Boskoop at Biebobs in 93 as well? Maybe a few other shows as well? Anyhow I have that one in Bonn at Mike,s B-Day when he played with us? I wonder if anyone has the version of Caught in a Web that you lent your vocal talents too! That was great! What a great show! Dream Theater was incredible that night! And yes Javier it is indeed interesting? And we have covered Tom Sawyer a few nights on tour as well? I think we did Red Barchetta as well? My all time favorite was when we played Brickhouse and the hardcore proggists left instantly! :)

Hey I have no problem with Bootlegs either as long as I get to hear the copy? I know there must be some horrible ones floating around out there? so if anyone hears a bad one please send it to us to burn and perhaps we can work something out via trade etc? :)

I've e-mailed the 2 live songs I've got to the webmaster...hopefully, he can make them available for download on the site...

And the version of "Would" has the introduction of MP... it's cool!! (but man, "King" sounds so damn good live, it's unreal!)


I have an MP3 of the Thrist live. Not the best recording, but anyways nice to have. Should I email the webmaster. Maybe we can put them on the site, so others can enjoy them.


Hi guys... if you want to email me live MP3's or other larger files, please send them to, and if possible only send files < 2MB each.
By the way, I still didn't receive any MP3's yet, so please resend them to the above address. Thanks!

- The Webmaster


Hey all

Its ok to mail these in to the webmaster but we will need to talk about linking them up?

We need to listen to these baby's first!

Thanks much.

The Thirst file is 6.9M and King is 5.8M. Ed, honestly, they sound pretty decent for a bootleg, but I understand that you may want to decide to nix the idea. Webmaster should I send them to you are a lower sampling rate? The tracks may be pretty bad after the conversion.

I get these emails from this one guy that sells bootleg and he has two different Enchant shows. Probably one from the show were The Thirst was recorded and the other where King was recorded. He charges something ridiculous for them, although I would really like to get ahold of them. I can't stand when someone else profits from bootlegs w/o the band getting a cent :mad: . That's why I think we should trade these recordings, so everyone can enjoy them for free. Call me hypocritical b/c I got them from Napster, but I used it for live recordings and to sample a group's output, always buying if I liked it. I guess bands need to put extras on cds to entice people buy them, b/c there will always be Napster alternatives.

Hey there..

I have 3 full live boots with enchant, from 94, 97 and 98 - all are good quality!. I also have the mike p. Would version.

I stopped doing trades some time ago, but I would be willing to send them to enchant themselves, or upload them somewhere in mp3 format.

contact me at
or ICQ UIN : 9854635

and hey, Enchant - you guys rock!!! I love the music!.


