live set list?

All i found was this vid on youtube so far, however its not even worth watching coz the sound is horrible. You can see some Joel in it. Not too much though.
Here's the link if someone is still interested.

Edit: Matts new guitar looks kick ass! And hes being economic with only a bridge pickup. I might go down that road myself someday. I hardly use the neck pickup unless I do clean parts which doesnt end up happening.
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All i found was this vid on youtube so far, however its not even worth watching coz the sound is horrible. You can see some Joel in it. Not too much though.
Here's the link if someone is still interested.

Edit: Matts new guitar looks kick ass! And hes being economic with only a bridge pickup. I might go down that road myself someday. I hardly use the neck pickup unless I do clean parts which doesnt end up happening.

what would posses someone to upload a shite video on youtube. if i took that on my camera and the sound came out like that id delete it post haste.

cant wait to see some decent vids.
yeah it does sound horrible. I wouldnt post it either. hahaha If I find any decent ones I'll post them on here.
I recorded Creeping Death at Wrexham but the sound quality is awful and cuts out at one point. iphone fail...
Aye, Glasgow was grand.... I videoed 3 songs, haven't watched them back yet but the sound is normally listenable if not awesome. Think I took Nosphoros, Time No More and Bathe in Blood if I recall correctly. Sadly my internet connection sucks but I'll try and find somewhere to upload them from at some point... Spoke to Matt briefly after, what a nice chap! And also met Siobhan!
Aye, Glasgow was grand.... I videoed 3 songs, haven't watched them back yet but the sound is normally listenable if not awesome. Think I took Nosphoros, Time No More and Bathe in Blood if I recall correctly. Sadly my internet connection sucks but I'll try and find somewhere to upload them from at some point... Spoke to Matt briefly after, what a nice chap! And also met Siobhan!

Yaaaaaaaaay :) post up that photo of us in here<3
Yaaaaaaaaay :) post up that photo of us in here<3

Here we go:


I look a twat :lol:
:lol: You look fine... I ruin every photo I'm in with a series of ridiculous faces.

Btw Strongbow?! really? I'm a cider guy, but that stuff should be called Wrongbow...

A pleasure to meet you by the way! I like meeting invisible people, it's always bizarre...
:lol: You look fine... I ruin every photo I'm in with a series of ridiculous faces.

Btw Strongbow?! really? I'm a cider guy, but that stuff should be called Wrongbow...

A pleasure to meet you by the way! I like meeting invisible people, it's always bizarre...

It was from the fridge backstage, Joel gave me it haha so that's my excuse! :p Yeah a pleasure to meet you too m'dear :) even if I probably sounded like a drag queen last night, got a sore throat again :( haha
:lol: Fair enough... I'd drink it too if it was free! :)

Didn't think you sounded like a drag queen at all... but then I did see you BEFORE Evile played, quite possible that you shouted your throat out by the time it was over...

I got some pics I liked, will post them up in a bit!
:lol: Fair enough... I'd drink it too if it was free! :)

Didn't think you sounded like a drag queen at all... but then I did see you BEFORE Evile played, quite possible that you shouted your throat out by the time it was over...

I got some pics I liked, will post them up in a bit!

Ah noice one mate. Aye I had NO voice left afterwards haha. Most awesome.
Those are cracking photo's mate

I take it you uploaded them on photobucket?

Cheers! Aye, reduced the size from the originals so they didn't take up the whole screen...

Just checked the vids, they look great but the sound ain't so hot... what I'm going to do just for you lovely lot is master the sound of my minidisc recording (yes, I know, I'm cheeky, and no, don't worry, I won't sell it or make any money, just recorded it for me so I can listen again) then sync it up with the vids and upload them. Should hopefully be pretty good :)
Cheers! Aye, reduced the size from the originals so they didn't take up the whole screen...

Just checked the vids, they look great but the sound ain't so hot... what I'm going to do just for you lovely lot is master the sound of my minidisc recording (yes, I know, I'm cheeky, and no, don't worry, I won't sell it or make any money, just recorded it for me so I can listen again) then sync it up with the vids and upload them. Should hopefully be pretty good :)

Check your PM inbox ok, I am going to ask a favour of you
I got a few photos at the Newcastle gig, unfortunately not of Evile, I was too busy rocking out to them to get any shots. Man, Evile were amazing, I'm not that familiar with too many songs, but it was still a blast, definitely going to buy Enter the Garve and Infected nations soon. Warbringer and The Faded were pretty good too, they done a decent job in getting the crowd warmed up.

Anyway as for the setlist I'm not too sure how many songs they played, but they opened with Infected Nations, and I can remember Killer from the Deep, Now Demolition, Schizophrenia, We Who Are About To Die, Time No More, Bathe in Blood and Enter the Grave, the other songs I wasn't familiar with the names, but it was mostly Infected Nations material.

Anyway, I took about thirty pics of the support bands, and only four of them were actually decent enough to put on here haha. And like I say, I was too busy having a good time to get some shots of Evile, shame I never, I was basically right at the bar once Evile came on, I could've had some pretty neat shots: