Live shows

That show looks pretty sick. Was considering going to the Pittsburgh one but idk if I can handle a live concert. Swore off alcohol in any amount at concerts and I haven’t had a tinnitus spike in a while now.
That show looks pretty sick. Was considering going to the Pittsburgh one but idk if I can handle a live concert. Swore off alcohol in any amount at concerts and I haven’t had a tinnitus spike in a while now.

You know anybody that you trust enough to keep you in line or at least would stay sober with you?

Damn shame about the tinnitus. I can't even imagine the how much that fucking sucks.
My wife has babysat me in the past at concerts. Makes me feel guilty though because she doesn’t really want to be there in the first place. She at least has kind of enjoyed stoner rock bands in the past but...

Taking her to Pittsburgh, making her sit through Demlich, then making her drive my dumb ass home late at night seems shitty. That and the last concert I went to, I got so drunk waiting for the headliner to play I fell asleep and she had to drag me out of the bar and to our car and SHE got pulled over and a sobriety test on our way home (which she passed but still) That’s been well over a year ago though and I’ve cut back on drinking quite a bit since then so idk, maybe it’d be different now.

The whole tinnitus thing, knock on wood, has seemingly backed off lately, as long as I sleep at night with a fan on I dont notice it much.
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Saw Watain, Destroyer 666, and Ares Kingdom recently. All three bands killed it live but a lot of the audience was irritating and stuck up on a personal level without having much to be stuck up about. Not that it's even the slightest bit surprising that most of Watain's fans are fan boys/girls without much more than a rudimentary knowledge of metal otherwise.

Overall, I had a lot more fun at the Well of Night show in Dayton a couple of days later. Met people with excellent taste in metal and a good attitude in general.
Saw Watain, Destroyer 666, and Ares Kingdom recently. All three bands killed it live but a lot of the audience was irritating and stuck up on a personal level without having much to be stuck up about. Not that it's even the slightest bit surprising that most of Watain's fans are fan boys/girls without much more than a rudimentary knowledge of metal otherwise.

Overall, I had a lot more fun at the Well of Night show in Dayton a couple of days later. Met people with excellent taste in metal and a good attitude in general.

How was Watain's performance?
Here's my earnest opinions on those three bands' live performances.

Ares Kingdom ripped. They gave 200% on stage and they were sweating like pigs but they played a great set. They played stuff from every album without much fluff between songs other than introducing them. They even played a cover of Slaughter Lord's "Die by Power" during their set as a nod to their covers album. Chuck Keller was very friendly with the audience after their set and the band seemed like very cool people.

Deströyer 666 had to walk right past me to get to and from the stage and K.K. Warslut smelled really bad. He really seemed to enjoy interacting with the audience even though he wasn't sure what city we were in. They played songs from every era, with "Satan's Hammer" being a huge surprise and "I Am the Wargod" being the overall highlight of their performance. They played two songs from Call of the Wild and I bought it for $5 at their merch booth after their set ended. They played a cover of "Iron Fist" and they dedicated "Trialed by Fire" to the late Selim Lemouchi of The Devil's Blood.

Watain played their songs well, but they put way less energy into their performances than the other two bands. Erik Danielsson looked like he was high and the other band members looked like they were bored and just going through the motions. They didn't play any songs that I found annoying or offensive, but I didn't find their performance to be as earnest as the other bands. Being a vegetarian, I also found their gimmick of throwing animal blood on the audience to be pretty gross.
I know I've mentioned this to you before but Ares Kingdom could've done without Chuck Keller trying to pump up the audience for the rest of the bands playing. Such a cheesy opening band thing to do. I agree that they ripped though.
The only band visiting Bulgaria this year is Paradise Lost, I guess traveling is needed!
I've just come back from a Tribulation / Insomnium gig. It was definitely a great experience. Both bands were great, and I lost myself when Insomnium played Ephemeral.
Decided to jump on the Demilich show. Will be there in Pittsburgh. I have everything full length by the bands playing except for Scorched so I’ll just be hoping to get a couple shirts at the show.
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Picked up a ticket for Demilich tour in NYC. Artificial Brain is a pretty cool opener. Blood Incantation is the only one I have not seen yet. I've been trying to find any info for the Philly date as well but there's just the venue listed on the poster but no further info on where to buy tickets. Anyways I have a pretty nice heavy metal weekend with Incantation tomorrow and Malokarpatan / Negative Plane on saturday :kickass: