Live shows

Saw Enslaved/Wolves in the Throne Room/Myrkur a few weeks back. I’d never heard Myrkur before but had heard a lot of bad things. I was very pleasantly surprised. She has a majestic voice and a cool sound. The songwriting is a little basic at times, but overall she’s doing something interesting.

This was my third time seeing Wolves in the Throne Room and I’ve learned that they are as good as their set. This was a strong set, so I enjoyed the performance.

As for Enslaved, I’ve seen them twice before, but it’s been a long time. I forgot how great of stage presence they have. Was super stoked to hear them play Vatarnott. A black metal masterpiece.

Upcoming shows in the near and distant future:
Dying Fetus
Satyricon (maybe)
Judas Priest (maybe)
The Smashing Pumpkins
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I've just come back from Metalmania Festival. Fucking great fest, man. Dead Congregation, D666, Napalm Death, Emperor, and motherfucking ASPHYX! All the bands were fucking great. Asphyx is fucking spotless live! I wish D666 got a longer set, K.K. is such a rad dude! As far as Emperor is concerned, this band is just magic live, it's like a spiritual experience. Feel so bad for people moshing during their set. Bunch of fucktards.
I've just come back from Metalmania Festival. Fucking great fest, man. Dead Congregation, D666, Napalm Death, Emperor, and motherfucking ASPHYX! All the bands were fucking great. Asphyx is fucking spotless live! I wish D666 got a longer set, K.K. is such a rad dude! As far as Emperor is concerned, this band is just magic live, it's like a spiritual experience. Feel so bad for people moshing during their set. Bunch of fucktards.

So fucking jealous of that lineup! Especially Asphyx, as it seems like they never come to the US, and havent to the east coast in even longer. One of my favorite bands and I cant even remember one instance of them touring remotely close to where I live in the past 10 years (someone is going to bring up a show I missed I bet). My friend caught D666 like a week or so ago and didnt even let me know!

As for the moshing, dude idk. You may think you enjoy it more while standing there with a beer in hand, but moshing and letting yourself go wild can bring about an enjoyment that standing there and banging your head can't quite deliver. Some moshers are just dumb fucktards as you say, but usually a bit of moshing during a good set maximizes my enjoyment.

As for my recent shows, I saw Conan for the second time at a dive bar in Philly last month. Then last weekend I went to the Philadelphia metal and beer fest with Horrendous, Pallbearer, At the Gates, Sumerlands, Incantation, Repulsion, Mayhem, and Carcass. I never saw AtG or Carcass before, and they were both fucking amazing. Found the guys from Horrendous in the pit during Mayhem, and they said they have a new album coming towards the fall of this year, which I didnt know about and is awesome to hear. I injured my knee in the Carcass pit, but fortunately I dont think it is anything serious. Got tons of free stickers from the beer vendors; the Amber Smashed Face beer that Cannibal Corpse sponsored or whatever tasted great and I grabbed a handful of badass looking stickers.

After the fest we smoked a bowl and went down to the aftershow at the Kung fu necktie and saw Primitive Man play a quick set. The small dive bar was the perfect location for such an intense savage sludge band, great stuff.
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So fucking jealous of that lineup! Especially Asphyx, as it seems like they never come to the US, and havent to the east coast in even longer. One of my favorite bands and I cant even remember one instance of them touring remotely close to where I live in the past 10 years (someone is going to bring up a show I missed I bet). My friend caught D666 like a week or so ago and didnt even let me know!

As for the moshing, dude idk. You may think you enjoy it more while standing there with a beer in hand, but moshing and letting yourself go wild can bring about an enjoyment that standing there and banging your head can't quite deliver. Some moshers are just dumb fucktards as you say, but usually a bit of moshing during a good set maximizes my enjoyment.

As for my recent shows, I saw Conan for the second time at a dive bar in Philly last month. Then last weekend I went to the Philadelphia metal and beer fest with Horrendous, Pallbearer, At the Gates, Sumerlands, Incantation, Repulsion, Mayhem, and Carcass. I never saw AtG or Carcass before, and they were both fucking amazing. Found the guys from Horrendous in the pit during Mayhem, and they said they have a new album coming towards the fall of this year, which I didnt know about and is awesome to hear. I injured my knee in the Carcass pit, but fortunately I dont think it is anything serious. Got tons of free stickers from the beer vendors; the Amber Smashed Face beer that Cannibal Corpse sponsored or whatever tasted great and I grabbed a handful of badass looking stickers.

After the fest we smoked a bowl and went down to the aftershow at the Kung fu necktie and saw Primitive Man play a quick set. The small dive bar was the perfect location for such an intense savage sludge band, great stuff.

Man I love moshing, but to moshable bands like Napalm, D666, or Asphyx. To me moshing on Emperor is just plain stupid as it's like I said, a spiritual experience. Too beautiful music to run around like a fucking headless chicken. Moshing to black metal is just wrong to me. Yesterday, Napalm was playing just after Emperor, so I went for a rest on Emperor and just admired the beauty of their performance. Then I went nuts on ND.
Man I love moshing, but to moshable bands like Napalm, D666, or Asphyx. To me moshing on Emperor is just plain stupid as it's like I said, a spiritual experience. Too beautiful music to run around like a fucking headless chicken. Moshing to black metal is just wrong to me. Yesterday, Napalm was playing just after Emperor, so I went for a rest on Emperor and just admired the beauty of their performance. Then I went nuts on ND.

I don't usually have a set rule for moshing based on genre, as a lot of the times my decision to mosh is based on a combination of the energy of the band and the crowd. A shit crowd and/or opening set = no moshing regardless of how compelling the band is making it. You are probably right though, I don't really envision Emperor as the best moshing band.

Moshing to a good grindcore band in a good pit full of non-wankers is the best thing ever.

It definitely ranks high, that is for sure. Then again some of my best moshing experiences were actually not with grind bands at all. Demolition Hammer, Venom, Inquisition, Overkill, etc were all bands in which the moshing experience was absolute top notch. The crowd has a lot to do with it too though.
I saw Nasty Savage, Siren and Oblivion with two other guest bands on Saturday. It was a good show. I was surprised that they all had so much energy. I would have tried to get some good photos but I was having stomach pain so I didn't really feel like doing it.

Siren's compilation is out on Stormspell Records. Anyone who has wanted No Place Like Home should pick it up, since it has the entire album and all of their demos.
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I attended the Sunday show at NYDM Spring Bash. I arrived late because I don't care about The Conqueror Worm or Vänlade, although I caught the last few songs from the latter band. Damien Thorne and Night Demon were decent live, but I went to see Cirith Ungol.

I'm not 100% on the order of the songs, but they played all of the following songs:

I'm Alive
Join the Legion
Black Machine
Blood & Iron
Fire (Arthur Brown cover)
Cirith Ungol
Frost and Fire
Atom Smasher
Death of the Sun
Chaos Descends
Fallen Idols

Finger of Scorn
Master of the Pit
King of the Dead

It was a great show. You can tell that they loved being up there and they gave it all they had. It was also quite funny that they flubbed "Death of the Sun" and restarted the song. Jarvis Leatherby made fun of the other band members for being old when that happened.

I saw @Master_Yoda77 and he invited me to do cocaine with him via Facebook Messenger, but we didn't interact in person because I was having some anxiety at the time. Seeing my favorite metal band that is currently active went a long way towards making that better.
I was only kidding there obviously. I don't have enough money to do coke but yeah, the fest was great. That was probably the best Cirith Ungol has been between the three times I've seen them.
Recent shows: Dying Fetus, Nightwish, Judas Priest

Dying Fetus- First time seeing them. I had to sit through several hours of deathcore bands first, but it was worth it. Exactly what I want from a death metal performance- intense enough that it can just consume me but compelling enough musicianship that I can just stop and watch them go to work.

Nightwish was cool. Strong setlist with a good range of stuff from their different records. Floor sounds better on some of the old songs than others, but overall I enjoyed her performance, even if I would rather hear Tarja.

Judas Priest were awesome. Amazing to hear Sinner, The Ripper, and Turbo Lover (I know some people hate it... fuck them, it's awesome) live. Also, I have a new found love for Saints in Hell after hearing it live. Glen Tipton came out for the encore, which was nice to see. My only complaint is I wish they didn't feel the need to play "Breaking the Law" "Living After Midnight" and "You've Got Another Thing Coming" at every show. While I enjoy all three live and get they're good sing-alongs, they have so much better material.

I also enjoyed Saxon as an opener for Priest. I really only know the Denim and Leather album (which they played several tracks off of) but they were engaging for the whole set.

Looking forward to Kamelot in two weeks.