spring shows ... ROLL CALL!


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
with the innevitable better weather among us (well here in NY anyway) it's time for some live shows.

APRIL 3 (Sunday) BB KING's ... Kreator / Vader

APRIL 19-20 BB KINGS's ... KING DIAMOND * NILE * Black Dahlia Murder Behemoth


Planning to go to the Kreator and Soilwork shows ... Nile ... will pass on that one :loco:

Any of you family men looking to do some raging? :rock:
General Zod said:
Planning on hitting the Kreator and Dark Tranquillity shows, but in Philly.


When you see Kreator, make sure you get a good view of Vader. Their bassist is going to blow you away.

Shame though that the latest albums from both bands were slightly lacklustre IMO.
JayKeeley said:
When you see Kreator, make sure you get a good view of Vader. Their bassist is going to blow you away.
Cool. I'll make it a point to check it out.

JayKeeley said:
Shame though that the latest albums from both bands were slightly lacklustre IMO.
Can't say I've ever been a fan of either band. I just figured it would be an entertaining show.

General Zod said:
Can't say I've ever been a fan of either band. I just figured it would be an entertaining show.

Knowing your tastes, get yourself hooked up with:

1 - Violent Revolution (Kreator)
2 - Revelations (Vader)
Dark One said:
Dunno about Vader, but Zod has already expressed his lack of enthusiasm for the above platter.


Actually, the live experience should be relentless. If you're not floored by a Kreator / Vader double bill, then you need some medical attention:

"Stand clear".....beeeeeeeeeeeeep.......*electro Kreator shock to the heart*....beep beep beep beep.....that was a close one........*listens to Kamelot's Black Halo*......beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep......."fuck it, let's bag him"....
JayKeeley said:
I've been enjoying "Enemy of God". I think I only spun "Violent Revolution" once or twice. As Dark One said, I shall revisit it.

JayKeeley said:
Actually, the live experience should be relentless. If you're not floored by a Kreator / Vader double bill, then you need some medical attention:
I expect to enjoy the show. Though, I thought you weren't a big Vader fan?

JayKeeley said:
"Stand clear".....beeeeeeeeeeeeep.......*electro Kreator shock to the heart*....beep beep beep beep.....that was a close one........*listens to Kamelot's Black Halo*......beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep......."fuck it, let's bag him"....
If I need to be recusitated, can I just get mouth to mouth from the :worship:Beer Godess:worship:?

Dark One said:
Based on my recommendation though, he promised to re-visit and give it another shot.
I think perhaps I didn't listen to this disc originally at an appropriate version. Thrash aint subtle, and isn't designed for polite volumes. I'm listening to the disc right now. First song is solid. Love the title track... though I remember liking it a lot the first time I heard it. The riff that runs through the chorus of "Servant in Heaven - King in Hell" has got to be one of the most evil riffs I've ever heard. This riff, had to be sitting at the right hand of Satan, just waiting to be written up here on Earth. Me likey. :tickled:

General Zod said:
I expect to enjoy the show. Though, I thought you weren't a big Vader fan?

Def a big Vader fan. Just thought their last one was a tad disappointing.

HAve you heard any Hypocrisy or Edge of Sanity by the way? I assume you've heard "Crimson" at least, right?
JayKeeley said:
Def a big Vader fan. Just thought their last one was a tad disappointing.
I've listened to Vader here and there. Not bad. I like some tracks, others... not so much. None of it is bad, it's just hit or miss. Which is your favorite Vader platter?

JayKeeley said:
Have you heard any Hypocrisy or Edge of Sanity by the way? I assume you've heard "Crimson" at least, right?
Hypocrisy, not so much. I think I heard their last disc. Kind of had a bit of a NuMetal vibe to it, if memory serves me correctly. Once again.... recommendations?

Edge of Sanity.... I had been looking for "Crimson" forever (on MP3). Someone posted a partial, and it was real cool. Just got my hands on the whole thing a day or two ago. I'll probably spin it at work today.

Strangely, there was a 5-6 year period between between '93 and '99 where I just didn't buy anything new. Looking back, I don't know why. Perhaps it was because I wasn't quite sure where to find new music. Honestly, I'm not quite sure. Then I discovered HardRadio.com one day at work in late '99. Besides having a forum and reviews, they stream music all day long. One day, I heard the song "Dreaming Neon Black" by Nevermore and "Melancholy" by Iced Earth. Bought both on Amazon, and have been playing catch up ever since.

General Zod said:
I've listened to Vader here and there. Not bad. I like some tracks, others... not so much. None of it is bad, it's just hit or miss. Which is your favorite Vader platter?

Revelations. It's the best place to start, however De Profundis is deemed the classic, but I'd check that out later. Revelations just has those riffs that get your head nodding.

Hypocrisy, not so much. I think I heard their last disc. Kind of had a bit of a NuMetal vibe to it, if memory serves me correctly. Once again.... recommendations?

I think you'd like The Final Chapter.

Edge of Sanity.... I had been looking for "Crimson" forever (on MP3). Someone posted a partial, and it was real cool. Just got my hands on the whole thing a day or two ago. I'll probably spin it at work today.

Well, yeah, Crimson is one track so the MP3 is probably close to 100Mb?

Strangely, there was a 5-6 year period between between '93 and '99 where I just didn't buy anything new. Looking back, I don't know why.

Lacking intraweb community. This forum alone has been better than any radio station or magazine for me.

Not promos though, they've been my handicap. :loco: