Live shows

Now let's not overrate Nile. They're an ok little band with a real clever gimmick, and the musicianship has been solid to top notch throughout their run. Karl Sanders is a consummate professional. Thing is you take the samples away and it's a moderately above average death metal band. I saw the absolute shit out of them when I was in high school and in the early years of young adulthood because they were local, and it was just too much exposure for a band that was pretty good but not great. I still occasionally listen to Festivals of Atonement and Catacombs, but I have no desire to see them go through the motions of a live show at 50 something. If they had been less available to me in the day, I might feel differently.
you're saying two different things. I have no problem with you saying "i dont like them as much now because they're not as good as i thought they were when i was younger" .... but saying "i dont like them as much now because i've heard them too much" basically indicates that you were never a true fan of the band to begin with. The quality of the music one initially praises doesn't change just because said person has heard them too much or they've gained popularity or whatnot. That is one of the defining traits of a poseur. But regardless, what i say about you never being a true fan of the band stands. They are also one of the most important and influential technical death metal bands of all time .. so yeah, they deserve all the praise they get.
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Now let's not overrate Nile. They're an ok little band with a real clever gimmick, and the musicianship has been solid to top notch throughout their run. Karl Sanders is a consummate professional. Thing is you take the samples away and it's a moderately above average death metal band. I saw the absolute shit out of them when I was in high school and in the early years of young adulthood because they were local, and it was just too much exposure for a band that was pretty good but not great. I still occasionally listen to Festivals of Atonement and Catacombs, but I have no desire to see them go through the motions of a live show at 50 something. If they had been less available to me in the day, I might feel differently.
I saw Nile live around 7 years ago, with Morbid Angel and Carcass. The show was incredibly powerful. The performances and sound were spot on. It's a band that any metalhead into extreme metal must see live at least once. Same with Cannibal Corpse.

I'm not a hardcore fan of Nile but the guys are good. Competent, consistent enough and they have a very recognizable sound. That's already head and shoulders over thousands of bands.
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I still occasionally listen to Festivals of Atonement and Catacombs

So you still occasionally listen to the material they were probably playing when you "saw the absolute shit out of them" but you refuse to see them play newer material live, because you got burned out on their old material...?

None of that makes any sense to me.
I saw Nile live around 7 years ago, with Morbid Angel and Carcass. The show was incredibly powerful. The performances and sound were spot on. It's a band that any metalhead into extreme metal must see live at least once.

The Karl Sanders Machine with all the samples on it wasn't terribly reliable in the early days, tbh, but dude has always been profesh and surrounded himself mostly with people that take the job seriously.

Same with Cannibal Corpse.

The Cannibal Corpse comparison is an apt one, in the sense that both bands have elevated professionally executed, well-constructed, but not particularly earth shattering death metal to levels it would not have reached otherwise with a smartly integrated, thoroughgoing concept/gimmick.
ok i cant take this clown seriously, Amongst the Catacombs was indeed fucking groundbreaking and sounded like absolutely nothing else that was being put out at the time. Its pretty obvious that this dude didnt even listened to them back then.
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The Cannibal Corpse comparison is an apt one, in the sense that both bands have elevated professionally executed, well-constructed, but not particularly earth shattering death metal to levels it would not have reached otherwise with a smartly integrated, thoroughgoing concept/gimmick.

I fucking love Cannibal Corpse but Nile absolutely blow them out of the water, they're not really comparable to me at all. Nile are earth-shattering and unlike Cannibal Corpse's gore gimmick, Nile actually integrates their theme into the music in a fantastic way. They don't just have thematic lyrics, they go over and above most bands with gimmicks.

One of the best bands at walking that fine line between technicality and brutality that I've ever seen. Pure class.
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yea, and tbh an argument can be made for Cannibal Corpse also being "ground breaking" since they're aesthetics/lyrical themes did influence a whole fucking subgenre of metal. Still wouldn't necessarily refer to their music as groundbreaking though. And the weird thing with them is i like them more and more as time goes on. All that "overexposure" nonsense means jack shit to me.
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Considering going to see Overkill and Exhorder in Atlanta in March but it's 3 days before my wedding and on a work night. And Atlanta is two hours away.

Might say fuck it, though.

Also, just saw this...

Now let's not overrate Nile...
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you're saying two different things. I have no problem with you saying "i dont like them as much now because they're not as good as i thought they were when i was younger" .... but saying "i dont like them as much now because i've heard them too much" basically indicates that you were never a true fan of the band to begin with.

This is a semantics issue, and I perhaps didn't express myself clearly. What I was trying to convey was something much closer to the former. Repeated exposure can lead to discovering new and cool things, but it can also lay bare the flaws in a band. In particular, hearing Nile have to play without samples and orchestration due to technical difficulties called attention to how much of the distinction between songs is carried in that orchestration, rather than in the underlying death metal. For whatever reason, I cannot unhear that when I listen to Nile.

The other thing is I probably am not a "true fan" of this style of music. I listened to a fair amount of it, all around the same time. A lot of Cryptopsy and Kataklysm alongside Nile, in particular. But some that was kinda just that was what was in the record shops at the time. I like it well enough, but I rarely listen to any of it anymore. I developed a preference for death metal in the Scandinavian styles, and that slow shit like early Incantation, and that's where my listening attention mostly goes.
Considering going to see Overkill and Exhorder in Atlanta in March but it's 3 days before my wedding and on a work night. And Atlanta is two hours away.

Might say fuck it, though.

I've been kinda thinking about this one. Never really cared for Exhorder, but Overkill is always a great show.

Also, just saw this...


Good movie