Live shows

Had tickets to the Atlanta show that was cancelled. On one hand, I hate that I won't be seeing Megadeth this year, on the other I'm fucking thankful I don't have to sit through Lamb of God and Trivium this year.
I saw Paradise Lost a week ago. Good gig but I expected them to play a little longer since it was like the only show they were going to play in a long time. But still, an enjoyable evening, 7/10


Fall From Grace
Blood and Chaos
Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us
One Second
The Enemy
As I Die
No Hope in Sight
Darker Thoughts
So Much Is Lost
Beneath Broken Earth
Say Just Words
Embers Fire
I finally went to a show post-coronavirus for the Decibel Beer and Metal fest. I was lucky to get a ticket off some guy on reddit that had the beer tasting included. I was not expecting the beers to be as strong as they were as like half of the beers available were imperial stouts at 10%+ abv . It was nice to see live music again as it was over 2 years since the last show I went to. Highlights were Eternal Champion and Immolation playing most of Dawn of Possession. It was cool to see old friends again and actually talk about metal in person.
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Hopefully going to see Tiamat on the 30th of October. The show kept getting postponed due to Covid restrictions and now I'm just hoping they won't cancel it for good. It would be the third time I missed them.
Parody band Black Metal Sabbath doing exactly what their name suggests. Good to see they're still around - I only saw them the once in 2012 and didn't make it to this.

I haven't been to a concert since the cove, I hope it is not too much longer before the scene opens up again. Glad to see at least something going on.

This post was made 2 fucking years ago. Finally broke the fast last night with Exodus and Testament at Starland in Sayreville NJ. Missed Death Angel, but I couldn't give a shit about them. Show was sold out, and even then oversold (hard to reschedule an event). We had to park on the side of the road instead of in a lot, which sucked at the time but thinking back it's nice not to have had to shell out any extra cash.

I went to the show thinking I was too old (34 is young dammit) to mosh and I was just going to sit back with the old fags and drink beer. Finished my beer two songs into Exodus and just dove into the pit. I think ill live in a nursing home before I stop going in the pit. Some dude handed me a water after moshing to Deathamphetamine and Blacklist back to back, and it was a godsend. I thought it was my buddy, so I thanked him when we were getting beers before Testament and he was like, "nope, not me". Some stranger then, thanks again dude. Pounded two beers and moshed basically the entire time to Testament. Was a good time, feels like home again.

Now im primed and ready for what might be the last MDF this month. Ive basically seen all of these guys before (aside from Destruction), and it will be great. Any of you guys taking the trek this year? Cause after this MDF is no more unless someone else starts it back up.
I've seen plenty of NZ bands but the last international band I saw tour here was still Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats in March 2020. Finally bought a ticket to something though. Vader/Thy Disease playing venues with capacities of about 200 people here, that'll be madness. Might possibly see Nebula before that.


Then there's this:

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