Live shows

So the Goatwhore/Black Fast show had maybe 100 people there. The scene here sucks. It was a packed house last time they were here but they opened for TBDM so that's why. They probably expected a similar result this time.

Goatwhore just kills live. They played some really old stuff and it sounded more sinister than their current stuff so I'll have to check that out.

I missed some of Black Fast's set because I was just chilling outside and chatting with people. What I did hear was good. Their stage presence is iffy though because they just stood there and played and didn't really do much else. The drummer had a 4 piece kit which just reinforces the fact that all you need to play drums is a 4 piece kit. What you do with it is much more important.

Two locals opened and one was good and the other was okay.
Trying to find some peeps to hit up The Sword and Royal Thunder, it'd be a decent show by two bands I've never seen. Probably won't end up going as usual because aside from my bf I have zero metalhead friends.... and can't do the whole lone doggin it thing.

I envy those with concert homies.
Me and arg at Insomnium / Omnium Gatherum on Thursday. It was a great show :kickass:

Shows in September:

9/10/2015: Revocation/Cannabis Corpse/Black Fast/Archspire

Stoked to finally see Revocation headline a goddamn show and not just be support

9/19/2015: Saxon/Armored Saint

More stoked for Saint than Saxon for this one.