Loadbox w. real loudspeaker drivers : Tube-Town Tone-Hound 8 Ohm / 100 W

For the noise: for me its definitly acceptable. Its not totally dead ofc, but silent enough so i can record my amp at night via lineout. I bought mine for 90 € btw .... was on sale when i bought it. awesome price compared to other stuff.

Great !
Does it distrub the monitored sound, when working on monitors ?
And is it close to the sound of something like cranked headphones next to you, or is there some huge bass content as well ?
Sorry for my specific questions, but I need to know that before buying.

90€... what a steal ! I'm pretty sure it was 129€ a few months ago, I need to buy quick before it cost me an arm and a leg :D
No huge bass or something ( maybe noise is around 600-2k or something).......for the loudness: i wouldnt recommend it if u monitor through speakers. u could put it into another room .... or just get used to it, dunno. im always using it with headphones since i want it as SILENT as possible for my neighbours (at night). i guess it would be annoying if u dont crank your speakers and hear the noise outta the box to your right. WHEN i do it that way ( daytime...) i just put my amp+tonehound into the other room, so i dont hear it at all.

is it possible that you put a mic in the near of the TH while having a reference tone like pc speakers ore something like that to demonstrate the loudness? i guess that would convince us to buy it :lol: otherwise it is hard to judge. But i can't demand you to do that =D

then you have a good word pool, e.g. when you are on holidays in germany..and you meet a nice girl and want to say something nice to her but you can't speak german...so remind of Rammstein...say: "bück dich" ...:goggly:
I will do some mixes using the rose of sharyn DI or/and maybe something else what i have. And i plan to do a comparison between preamp out, line out with normal resistive loadbox and one using the ToneHound. So i will do what i couldn't find in the internet. As Amp i will use the Peavey 5150. I could also offer the Mesa Studio Preamp. But that won't be as interesting as the 5150 because i mainly use that for distortion. I'm curious about how it will sound. Hopefully it is the last step to a really well recorded amp without micing. Wait and see.. :popcorn:
I will do some mixes using the rose of sharyn DI or/and maybe something else what i have. And i plan to do a comparison between preamp out, line out with normal resistive loadbox and one using the ToneHound. So i will do what i couldn't find in the internet. As Amp i will use the Peavey 5150. I could also offer the Mesa Studio Preamp. But that won't be as interesting as the 5150 because i mainly use that for distortion. I'm curious about how it will sound. Hopefully it is the last step to a really well recorded amp without micing. Wait and see.. :popcorn:

nice !
In the morning the ToneHound arrives. :) First impression while reamping:
The sound is really different to a resistive load. Maybe i have to re-adjust my ampsetting and post eq to get a good tone but first i try it without any change to have a real comparison. Something that i don't like is the loudness of the ToneHound. It is nearly as loud as my PC-speakers oO and the (hi-)mid sound penetrates through my headphones. So it is quite annoying while playing And it will be of course in the evening/at night. Currently i put the TH on a wooden shelf and that seems not that good because the shelf with the TH brings something to shake like my subwoofer. I have to look for a better place for the TH to stand. Another point i don't understand is that when i use the TH as load i can't push my amp Master to 4. Then i get horrible feedback through line out. Now i have to set Mastervolume to max 3. With my resistive load i could crank the amp to the max possible position.
Now i will do the mixes.
In the morning the ToneHound arrives. :) First impression while reamping:
The sound is really different to a resistive load. Maybe i have to re-adjust my ampsetting and post eq to get a good tone but first i try it without any change to have a real comparison. Something that i don't like is the loudness of the ToneHound. It is nearly as loud as my PC-speakers oO and the (hi-)mid sound penetrates through my headphones. So it is quite annoying while playing And it will be of course in the evening/at night. Currently i put the TH on a wooden shelf and that seems not that good because the shelf with the TH brings something to shake like my subwoofer. I have to look for a better place for the TH to stand. Another point i don't understand is that when i use the TH as load i can't push my amp Master to 4. Then i get horrible feedback through line out. Now i have to set Mastervolume to max 3. With my resistive load i could crank the amp to the max possible position.
Now i will do the mixes.

thanks for your feedback !

i hope you will sort things out !
Thanks for your feedback, I was so waiting for it :goggly:
Bad luck for the noise, is it possible to dampen it a little more or that thing is totally closed ?
Is the sound coming from the front, like a real cab or is it coming from everywhere ?

Also that's pretty weird for the master thing, is that shit that loud so that it can produce feedback ?!?
What is your gear chain ?
Here is my comparison between preamp out, lineout with resistive load and line out using the ToneHound as load.
I used 3 songs. For the last song i also uploaded just the guitar tracks without any backingtrack.

The chain for recording was Interface -> Redeye -> Fuchs Plush Cream -> 5150 Lead channel (Low 6, Mid 4, Hi 7, Res 4, Pres 7)

1) Rose of Sharyn cover from JeffTD:

preamp out
line out behind poweramp + resistive load
line out behind poweramp + ToneHound
line out behind poweramp + ToneHound + EQ adjustment
line out behind poweramp + ToneHound + Redwirez demo IR

1) Death Metal Clip from Mago:

preamp out
line out behind poweramp + resistive load
line out behind poweramp + ToneHound
line out behind poweramp + ToneHound + EQ adjustment
line out behind poweramp + ToneHound + Redwirez demo IR

3) Metal DI's from outloaf:

preamp out
line out behind poweramp + resistive load
line out behind poweramp + ToneHound
line out behind poweramp + ToneHound + EQ adjustment
line out behind poweramp + ToneHound + Redwirez demo IR

guitars only:
preamp out
line out behind poweramp + resistive load
line out behind poweramp + ToneHound
line out behind poweramp + ToneHound + EQ adjustment
line out behind poweramp + ToneHound + Redwirez demo IR

I don't judge the result now. I will first play around with it the next days and make adjustments to amp and EQ settings etc. But it seems that the sound with the ToneHound has more dynamics and reacts different/better? on the playing especially palm mutes. And i will try what i can do against the loudness. So that's for now :) What do you guys think about the sound so far?

edit: added new version with ToneHound (EQ adjusted)
WOW amazing, thanks a lot for taking the time to do this test ! :OMG:

My first impression was that the ToneHound version always has less lows, and as a result sounded harsher. But listening back to the resistive load version, I thought it sounded less precise/articulate, and less fuller ; IMHO the tonehound versions sounds much more natural and 3D.
Pretty obvious on the Mago clip.

I think that if you push a bit the lows on your amp when recording with the ToneHound, it's a total WIN :rock:

The last clips (is that your's ?) are both very harsh sounding and lacks a lot of lowend, so it's hard to judge.
I liked the preamp out the best, followed by the loadbox. Sorry, may not be what you wanted to hear :D

Which loadbox are you using? I'm guessing along with impulse/IR loader?
And what kinda DI ? Im using the direct slaveout of my earforce, so no extra DI-Box that has an impact on the sound.
well, i added a new version with the ToneHound. While using the resistive load i had big lowcuts because there was so much bass..i removed them now and cutted the highs a bit. they are the "eq adjustment"-ones
And i find they have more *smack*..the sample from outloaf reminds me now a bit of metallica re-/load :D

the impedance from speakers depents on frequency so they haven't a linear impedance or static impedance. the simple resistive loadbox has always the same resistance (not impedance cause its not a complexe resistance). so every frequency will be affected in the same way. A speaker/the tonehound affects the frequencys differently what results in less bass and more highs. the last week i found a nice graph where this was shown...but i lost it :D

nothing of these DIs are mine. I always linked to the owners thread :)

@ AD Chaos
well...everyone has his own opinion... :P
I have a selfbuild loadbox/line out and i'm using lepou le cab 2 with s-preshigh ..what else!

selfbuild ;) but i want to try a commercial one because my feedback has something to do with the line out or the poweramp. but i don't have one..