Local news

Gypsies stole the iron bolts from an auxiliary railway near Sofia. A train of gas tanks derailed last night. Luckily, the gas tanks were empty. Nice!

I'm not sure about it, man. I've never bought an e-ticket before, and like I've said, there is zero info on this end.
I'm not saying this page isn't trustworthy, it definitely seems so, but since there is still so little info, and since the folks on the entry to the venue tend to be quite misinformed around here, I don't want to risk my 15 euros. I'm accustomed to going to an actual place where they sell tickets and buying one.

I'm going to wait up until the first February, and if there still is no word, will buy the damn thing.


Edit: THe link is definitely legit judging by the "global" organiser, but not a peep by locals.
Will send them a mail though. I fucking hate irresponsible bastards who take up the task of "organizing".
You can trust MH Concerts, it's organiser of Metaldays (ex Metalcamp) in Slovenia and gigs in Croatia and Serbia

Well, I registered on the site.
Like I've said, I'll wait until the 1st Feb (about that time my new debt card should arrive - this one expires soon - and all my buddies who want to go will save enough money to buy tickets), and then I'll order.

Thanks for the link.
Brewing my second batch today. This time it's an Imperial Stout. Mrs. T. wants me to save the spent grain after brewing to turn into spent grain flour for baking.

I wonder what Imperial Stout biscotti would be like. I just might find out.
It's been snowing all day here too. It's also cold and somewhat windy. I had the idea to go for a walk in the park with the camera, but sloth got the better of me as usual, so I chose red wine, "Sherlock" and the comfort of my armchair instead.
Grats on the job! I have an interview on Thursday, let's hope I'll score as well :)

This past morning a bright flash was observed above Helsinki and surrounding areas at 7:40 AM, despite the sky being completely covered by clouds. It was likely to be a large meteor that exploded in the atmosphere. Scientists are probably busy investigating possible clear sky observations from neighboring countries.

For reference, it was almost an hour before sunrise.

Well, I should be coming around in a month or so.
But it will be a "business trip", so I guess I won't have much time... :(
Most welcome! :D If it's a business trip, I suppose it won't be for the Amo gig, but there's always time for a beer, so give me a call, or drop me a message. Will PM you my phone number. Also, now that I am employed, I'm on Skype during the day, even though I appear offline.
Most welcome! :D If it's a business trip, I suppose it won't be for the Amo gig, but there's always time for a beer, so give me a call, or drop me a message. Will PM you my phone number. Also, now that I am employed, I'm on Skype during the day, even though I appear offline.

Actually, I'm coming with my uncle. He's on a business trip, and I'm there to serve as a helping hand.
I don't know how our schedule looks like, nor do I really know when (or if) I am coming. Presumably, it will be be some Saturday during Feb.

Once I end up knowing how it will look like and if I will have some free time for myself, I'll inform you.