LOL @ Last word thread

His new gimmick is alittle fruity but he is one hell of a talent in the ring...
Yeah I agree, his character is kind of dumb but he flies around like a madman, definitely good at what he does. Can't see him getting a belt though. Maybe if he got a pissed-off attitude to go along with his arrogance, that might amount to something.

take it easy
I haven´t been around here for quite some time. What did I miss? Oh, I see the "last word"-thread is no more.

Dammit I miss the oldschoolers, Pink Metal, Tatooed Sean, Jeff (RIP) and the others.
Thrax Mosher....... I heard people talk about your stupidity.
I've been back on this board for 10 minutes now and understand why people hate you.
Grow up you fucking twit

And hey Buddy how's it going?
Meet you in Ft Wayne with Lord Lindsey.
Hope the band is doing good.
Good for you! Hopefully you win your hair back, get to go back to your high school weight and get laid on a regular basis. Surely the rewards outweigh your gratification.

Ted McGinley, long time no see. I see that you contribute nothing to the board until something like this comes up. You are no true fan.