LOLZ @ Heartless.


New Metal Member
Jul 17, 2005
Woodland Hills California
Originally Posted by Heartless_Name
Originally Posted by RiderOfJustice

The fuck are you laughing at fatboy? Did the guy who got you the nickname 'DrinkerofJizzjuice' make you laugh? Aww, I bet your stomach was just a jiggling Go eat some donuts, make sure they're powder white though, cracker. And for someone who hates black/brown people, who sure love the colour you chocolate sucking illiterate KKK reject.. p.s. sign into msn !

aww did sumbody get madd?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nikotiini said:
If I had to choose between killing Heartless and killing Lady_Laiho, I would choose Heartless

You're kidding. Heartless is annoying, but harmless, whereas Lady_Laiho is a freak of the worst sort.
Nikotiini said:
yeah well fuckin Lady Laiho doesn't stalk me like he does. As soon as I sign on to MSN... BANG!!! He IMs me! So I had to block his ass cuz he would just talk to me all night... I wouldn't even be at the computer and he'd be typing away...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cry: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

amg, that's too funny.. :Smug: get a life. but seriously, I've talked to you on MSN twice... so if that's stalking then, take my ass to court...

Nikotiini said:
lol he said i am fat...
I said.... I'm 5"4 and 105lbs you jack hole. What? Are you blind?
I never said you were fat... I said you have an extremely round (pudgy-chipmunk cheeked) face, what's wrong with that? and well, still not as bad as saying you'd kill someone, is it?