Another prime example....

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Hey Brandon, seeing it's OUR FORUM, we can post anything we like, right? Especially when the "review" is filled with non-factual bullshit, and trying to be passed off as gospel?

Here's the bottom line, and I assure you and anyone who reads this, there is NO SARCASM here... If you don't like what we have to say on OUR forum, then fuck right off. And that is the nicest way I can put it.
Well I guess I don't have to worry about being told off over the review since I got mine already. :) I don't like to review as much anymore because I realize a lot of bands do read what we say, and I'd rather not get the "fuck the fuck off" comments from bands that I had a lot of respect for. I've actually not heard anything by you guys from before TPHD so I have no idea what to expect with these reissues, but I will review them honestly and unbiased. I don't let my fanboyness get in the way of an honest review. :p
The "Fuck off" is not for a bad review, the "Fuck off" is for anyone telling us or not liking what we post about on OUR forum. If the uber-sensitive "critics" don't like their "work" being criticized here, too fucking bad. Seriously Brandon, If you don't like what we post here, you don't need to participate. You're a very young kid, and have many life lessons to learn, and the first should be when to keep certain opinions to your self.
That review was written by former band member Eric Burnley?? And if it was, sour fuckin'grapes, man. He does more than"stick in his pickel" he sticks it up his ass, and breaks it off. Sad, really sad.
That review was written by former band member Eric Burnley?? And if it was, sour fuckin'grapes, man. He does more than"stick in his pickel" he sticks it up his ass, and breaks it off. Sad, really sad.

No no no no, that was a joke. Eric wouldn't do something like that, we were just teasing because it was so praiseworthy of him! Read a bit closer next time man :lol:

Sorry if anyone else misconstrued our joking there.
Your opinion of my opinion is valid but so is my original opinion, because it is my opinion... and that's all it is, an opinion. I realize it is your forum and you all have every right to say whatever you want to, I never said you didn't. I just said you guys spend a lot of time criticizing your reviews. I'm sure the reason that guy is posting reviews on MA anyway is because any logical editor would turn him away from an actual writing position if that is the kind of research he does going into a job. :) The only website I trust for reviews on products is, and even then there are people who have no idea what they're doing with the new gear, break it, and post an angry review.

It's good that you're setting the facts straight, and the guy dropped the ball big time for sure... It will make me strive to have every fact as solid as possible, even if I have to sit on the review for a while to get answers on certain things. Or just chop it to a concise point that doesn't mention certain things. Every writer doesn't have the luxury of talking to the band they're reviewing and a lot of sites don't have solid information. Even your official site has blocks and blocks of text that most writers don't really have the time to go through to find what they're looking for, and on your releases page, it was a guessing game for me to find which CD cover was for the CD that the guy was talking about, as there were no titles around them... And then there's the line of "CD Sampler available on 2004 tour only." which is a bit vague. It seems to me that the guy tried to fill in the information, perhaps with info that he thought he witnessed in the past. Maybe he remembered things this way, or was told them from someone. And heck, referring to your change in sound could just be referring to the production. He really wasn't specific with that. Production is powerful enough to change one's perspective, maybe he thought your more raw production was more doom-death than the cleaner production on the new albums... it's just a thought. :)

I don't mean to sound like I'm standing up for the guy because I'm not. I just think there's more to the story than meets the eye. :)
If a writer doesn't have the time necessary to sit down and research a band a little bit in order to make sure they've got their facts straight, then they probably shouldn't be writing. Especially if their solution is to just make up shit to fill in the gaps. I'd rather that they didn't write about us at all, if that's the case. We spend alot of time putting up FAQ pages and answering people's questions daily on here, in order to keep everyone happy and properly informed. I had to spend a couple of hours just fixing the huge mistakes and misinformation that someone put in our Wikipedia page alone. Believe me, I don't have all the free time in the world either. I know alot of reviewers are asked to review a big stack of discs in a short amount of time, and it's hard to research each one of them deeply......which is another HUGE issue I have with fucking cd reviews to begin with. I would never take an opinion seriously on a cd that was barely listened to and done by someone who doesn't hardly know what they're talking about. Some reviewers seem to take their time and delve into the music as much as possible, and that's good. But it seems those particular writers are fewer and farther between these days.

As long as there continues to be poor writing out there, especially if it pertains to my band, then I'm going to comment on it. If everyone else is allowed to comment on my work, then I am allowed to comment on theirs. I think that's a fairly simple exhange. Why it is that people seem to think this is not right, I have no idea...

Brandon, you came here and in one day you posted a couple of rather pointed remarks on a couple of threads, and it pissed us off. Period. Opinions are fine but then there's a matter of showing respect when you're in someone's house. This forum is our home, so to speak, and it's the one place where we ask people to be repsectful and polite towards not only us, but towards each other as well.

And so this shit can end, let's lock this thread and be done with it. Enough is enough, and my purpose of posting this thread has long since been served.
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