Which ND album have you listened to the most?

The cover for the next CD is complete already. Just wait until you see that. ;)

Theres some artwork on your myspace ive never seen before, I know some of it is from the dvd but what is the other one?

edit: oh its the knowing re-release, looks great.
Well, you know how these things get leaked, so I may as well let everyone here be some of the first to see it.

It's certainly no Travis Smith, but still groovy!!!


HAHAHAHA!!!! Quite the departure...

Although those are the most somber and "darkest" unicorns I have ever seen.
Yeah, our new cd cover couldn't be more opposite of that one you posted Jasonic, lol. The new cover is definitely the darkest, evilest thing we've ever done. Which I think will be reflective of the music as well. But I shall say no more.
So ND are going all evil on us, lol...i'm very interested to see how this next album (and the artwork) turns out.
The new cover is definitely the darkest, evilest thing we've ever done. Which I think will be reflective of the music as well. But I shall say no more.

That's all you had to say. \m/ !!

Looking at the great art 'meanspark' has already done, I'm really looking forward to what you guys have came up with. He's got a great dark style to his art.

Lately I've been listening to alot of The Novella Reservoir because of its sheer facemeltingness, fucking great album. I would have to say the one I've listened to the most has to be TPHD though, still have a couple of older albums (prior The Knowing) I haven't really listened to much but what I have heard I really like.
In the day of MP3 players, it's hard to say which CD gets the most play, as I can cherry pick the songs I wanna listen to...there are some songs (My Agony, My Ecstacy; Within My Flesh; Searching the Betrayal; With Rue & Fire; The Pale Haunt Departure; Rain; For Every Leaf that Falls) that are staples on my player, which is sorta odd when you see that they are each from a different CD...and even when regularly changing my playlist, (and going over NDs catalogue at the moment), I see that I have never put "If Forever" on my player...for some reason I just cannot get into this song *shrugs*
i only listen to full albums, even on my mp3 player... unless i get bored halfway through. i don't skip songs.

This is exactly how I listen to my music. Even if there are tracks I know I do not like, there is just something about pushing through the entire album that is a necessity for me. The only time I do not finish an entire album is when I am not in the mood for a particular genre of music. I am sort of OCD like that...
yeah, or when I am in the car for a short drive, or otherwise have not enough time to listen to a full album, i might skip some songs. but if I have the time to listen through an entire album, I will. it doesn't go for albums I don't really know well yet. first time i listened to crimson II i managed 2 minutes before turning it off :D didnt listen to that much extreme metal back then.

how things change..
TPHD without a doubt for me. It's become one of my top 5 metal albums ever. When I first heard Autumn Reflection and Dark World Burden I was fuckin' devastated. It was like DWB was written specifically for me at that point in my life. It's hard to recollect a song that I connected with so much upon a first listen.
Album v. Single listening depends on the music. ND makes albums. Aqua makes collections of singles.
The first ND album I ever heard was the Orange one... from what, like 1998 or so??? I heard it at my friend Clint's house. This is important because this guy Clint (to whom I haven't spoken for 3 or 4 years) owns every metal album ever released by any band, ever - and he recommended ND to me. Rad! Anyway.... I was baffled that a band THAT good was unsigned. No matter how great the new releases are or will be, nothing beats reliving that feeling you got when you first experienced the awesomeness of a band, in this case Novembers Doom.

The album I listen to the most nowadays is probably the album Neil Kernan produced. Fucking crushing, that album is.

PS - how lame is it of me to not be able to remember the names of the albums??

PPS - When the hell are you guys gonna play at Pearl Room?

PPSS - Why isn't it "November's Doom" and instead "Novermbers Doom"?? Doesn't the band name imply a possessive tone? There is only one November a year... or maybe the band name is implying the DOOOOM of multiple Novembers over multiple years?
1. It is kinda lame that you don't know the titles LOL And what the hell is "the orange one"?

2. We're playing at the Pearl Room on September 21st, with Sigh, Zimmers Hole, and Unexpect.

3. I really can't believe you even asked the damned apostrophe question, I don't think that one is ever going away. It's as simple as this.....it doesn't look right in the logo. And considering the fifty million different uses of improper grammar in the world of band names, song titles, etc., the fact that everyone gets so fucking caught up in the fact that there's no apostrophe before the "S" really fucking baffles me.