Another prime example....

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I agree 100% with this DVD review. We HATE the American fans, Joe sucks, Chris mixed his bass louder then the everything else because he's a conceited prick, he also doesn't really sing with me, all our videos suck, the fan made videos are pathetic and made by fags, and Eric is God.

All lies. You can all blow me. Especially you Eric, because I hate God as well.

By the way, the wacky backstage antics? They are THERE. LOOK FOR THE EASTER EGG!

(This message is filled with SARCASM in case you can't tell. And John, "Shitmouth" is pure gold my man!)

You guys do this way too much, and this isn't even an actual journalist--just a fan who posted something on metal archives... Quite frankly, it makes a guy scared to critique your albums, and I do have the reissues on my list to critique in a future shipment. :ill:
You guys do this way too much, and this isn't even an actual journalist--just a fan who posted something on metal archives... Quite frankly, it makes a guy scared to critique your albums, and I do have the reissues on my list to critique in a future shipment. :ill:

Hey Brandon, seeing it's OUR FORUM, we can post anything we like, right? Especially when the "review" is filled with non-factual bullshit, and trying to be passed off as gospel?

Here's the bottom line, and I assure you and anyone who reads this, there is NO SARCASM here... If you don't like what we have to say on OUR forum, then fuck right off. And that is the nicest way I can put it.
:rolleyes: So I'm getting the impression that Brandon is trying to stir the pot a bit judging by his comments he's posted on threads here today. Perhaps not, but it seems that way.

Funny how some people look at it like we're not allowed or supposed to express our own opinions on these sorts of things. And honestly you just validated my point really....this guy ISN'T a real journalist. Yet, he's having reviews posted on forums that many people frequent, and again I will reiterate for the umpteenth time for those who don't understand....I don't care if someone writes a postive or negative review. You're entitled to your opinions, regardless of what I think of them. My whole issue was that this particular guy was writing these reviews AND adding info to the Wikipedia page and passing it off as "historical fact" of the band, and the information was completely wrong!

There's no need for anyone to be "afraid" of doing a review of us, that's just silly. Everyone's a critic, everyone has their own opinions and tastes, that's how it is. But if you go and write a very uninformed review and article and try to state things as absolute fact when you don't know what you're talking about, well then yes there is a problem. And perhaps the critics should be a little afraid, at least in the respect of them really thinking about what it is they're writing and taking it seriously enough to make sure they do their homework and maybe try to see things from a more open-minded perspective than so many of them tend to do, because they have no concern about anyone really counter-critiquing or challenging their writing. I think turnabout is fair play, frankly.

I think it's funny when people who are journalists/critics seem to get perturbed and criticise bands for daring to speak up about how they feel about said articles.

Here's some inside info for everyone.....most bands feel the way we do. Even worse, actually. Believe me, we're polite compared to the shit alot of them have to say in private :lol: But alot of them don't talk openly on forums or what have you, because of the negative criticism they know they'll get for it. We don't give a fuck, our fans here are also our friends and we tell them shit straight up. People are going to criticise us and find shit to hold against us either way if they so choose, so be it. This forum is the one place where we can speak our minds and talk openly with people, and they can choose to agree or disagree, no problem.
Honestly, if you guys here think we "talk too much" about this kind of shit, go ahead and say so. Noone is obligated to have to come and post here. We come here almost daily and chat with you guys because we enjoy the exchange, if you'd rather we just "shut up and play", we can do that too. But I'd much prefer that anyone who has an issue with the things I post or Paul posts, etc., just find somewhere else to go and leave the forum to the people who do enjoy it.

If you feel that way Brandon, so be it. If you are cool and willing to have open minded discussions and keep things civil and decent, you're welcome here.
Well...not that I think it's annoying but you guys do seem to care a lot about it seeing the amount of posts on the subject. But I'm not blaming you, a little venting is not bad. But you're probably just infuenced by Haugm hahaha...the guy makes great music though. :lol:

I do have to say it's absolutely pathetic when reviewers don't do their homework properly or like you this guy just make factual errors. Do it right or just don't do it en go play with your Lego or something... :Smug:
of course they care about it, when you invest hundreds of hours (yes, it obviously takes that much time, probably thousands in some cases) to get an album out and some nitwit proceeds to judge it in 5 minutes, you're frustrated. when said nitwit just doesn't like it, ok it could be a matter of taste and you try to shrug your shoulders and move on. when said nitwits doesn't even bother enough to invest the time necessary to get his facts straight, it's a slap in the face to those who spend all that time to get the album out. it's not all fun, you know. there's so much more to it than just writing a song and pressing the record button, done.

still, brandon is entitled to his opinion. it's his own fault though! what are you afraid of, they might not like you? hint: don't review albums when you can't be independent in your opinion.... it's being done too much already, both in amateur and professional reviews.
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