

New Metal Member
Aug 11, 2004

France has reacted with horror as details emerged this week of the twin suicide of two teenage girls who bound their hands together and jumped from the 17th-storey window of a block of flats in Paris.

The 14-year old girls, who have been named only as Marion and Virginie, were both heavily influenced by the gothic fashion in music and clothes.

Friends said they were obsessed by talk of death, and the weblog kept by one of the girls contained long and morbid extracts from the lyrics of a leading French black metal band.

Two less stupid, gothic CoF fans :)
What if it was lyrics from that Vlad Tepes / Bellkeytree split ?!? Let me tell yuo, my whole ontology would be totally fucked with if that were the case
I would say that it's pheasible considering the media doesn't know fuckall about a difference between gothic and black metal, but they said a leading act.
I never listened to Anorexia Nervosa. I don't want to. They seem overrated and pretty shitty. If I want real French black metal, I'll listen to Epheles, Blut Aus Nord, etc.
I wish all CoF type fans would start a line doing that.

Sadly, the pile would eventually reach the top of the building and they'd stop dying from the fall.
Thraxz said:
I wish all CoF type fans would start a line doing that.

Sadly, the pile would eventually reach the top of the building and they'd stop dying from the fall.

hoooooo ! that's sooooo stupid

laughing at things like this makes me doubt about you being part of the human race.

bastards :(
i doubt the suicides are worth caring about, but now the unwarranted attention to music is kind of sad. You listen to what you are, imo, and not the other way around.
This is a typical case of the teenage outsider shit. The parents don´t give a fuck about the daughter, the other pupils in shool mock them, nobody understands their totally world wide ranging problems, and so on.
This always reminds me of the shit that happens around Judas Priest and Ozzie in the 80ies...
"I hate you. I vomit on your soul and your family. Death to your parents. Torture and rape to your children. I hate you to death."

"You are the whore of human weakness. Tepid and obscene. Blinded by the sweaty desire of vanity. Worthless."


... If only someone helped them get some booze. The two girls might not have jumped.

some booze and


help the minors!