london internet and burp


Jun 8, 2003
Oslo, Norway
Visit site
greetings everyone.... andy and i are just visiting you from an internet phone booth on Oxford street. Went to the mean fiddler last night, was great maybe a bit short, the highlight for me was when judgement speeded up and I (Andy) ended up from the middle to near the front, stuck right up some girl's arse, nothing i could do about it but anyway, seemed to make the gig better... A natural disaster was great with Lee sang, that was another highlight :wave:
does somebody know what happened to Marginale? we lost him, and we didnt see him back at the hotel, not even when i woke up after 4 hrs needing to catch me bus.
i admit i am a bit worried
Marinale was in The Royal George pub, with me and the missus, Lee ,John,Danny, Jamie and partner and her sister as well as Basnet and Edwig(hope I got that right,) and we intended to go to the Crowbar, but it was too packed and they weren't letting any more in. I was sorry to have missed seeing all those mysterious names...hey well. Nice to see Darren and Dunc again. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, I know I did.
ah, John, it's a shame that, I went to this Crowbar place, and it was packed, I should have gone to the Royal George to see all those, ah well just my luck, maybe next year eh
and yes Dries was ok, kind of, apparently he ended up really pissed and fell over in the street and slept for a while, then when he woke up sometimes in the early hours he walked around for a few hours. Then when me, mariner and rafael checked out of the hotel at 11am, he was walking past us in the street on the way to the hotel to tell us that story, haha, we were worried too but he showed up, er mid morning
Andy_2003 said:
and yes Dries was ok, kind of, apparently he ended up really pissed and fell over in the street and slept for a while, then when he woke up sometimes in the early hours he walked around for a few hours. Then when me, mariner and rafael checked out of the hotel at 11am, he was walking past us in the street on the way to the hotel to tell us that story, haha, we were worried too but he showed up, er mid morning

remember that taxi driver story again mate? that cunt..
aah, i'm so glad dries is OK . i've been worried aboput him up to now.

@ andy: when we left you guys, went went past the royal george and decided to take a look there to see if dries was there. he was, and so were danny, jamieand gf, john, dougie, lee, les...
dougie:it's bastet and hedwig(hey, you remembered anyway! nice!)
it was very nice to meet you! greets to your family! :) i hope those pics you took won't be too horrible :)
Susie said:
Hey rafael, did you have a hangover? hehheeeee, you looked slightly pissed towards the end :ill: ah you enjoyed yourself though didnt you :headbang:
Yeah... not that much. The headache just flew away and was gone about 30 minutes after I woke up.
And I probably was pissed in the end, glad I got to bed or else i'd too sleep at the pavement :lol:
rafael said:
Yeah... not that much. The headache just flew away and was gone about 30 minutes after I woke up.
And I probably was pissed in the end, glad I got to bed or else i'd too sleep at the pavement :lol:
yeahyeah, laugh about it, i hope you end up the same as me once

(no, i serriously hope you don't)