London Review Mean Fiddler - Too Short?


The Necromancer!
Dec 9, 2003
Irlanda del Norte
Am I the only one in thinking that the London show was far too short? A great show but why no encores?

I thought that the support band Wolverine were great and would love to see them live again.

The highlight of the show was hearing the 2 songs from Judgement.

I look forward to hearing everyones else's comments on this.

Greeetings from Ireland
We already have a thread similar to this. I didn't like wolverine that much, but the rest was okay. a bit dissapointed that they didn't play anything from etirnity and the silent enigma.
Charlotte1977 said:
How many peope are gonna mention the gig was to short?? ffs, you guys should be glad you were there!!


Of course I was glad I was there, as I just said it was still a great show. As for there being a similar thread to the one I started I could'nt find anything close so I started this one!
Paris southern subburbs ...

It was too short but it's not their fault ! And anyway, the whole week-end + the gig was worth all the money and the long trip. I'm so glad I met you all, my former e-friends :eek:
Why stop now then? You guys can continue your good time at krakow
i not at know, we should write to every thread about our party in krakow..maybe people will come then, or maybe we should take some pics from finnish parties and post them here,then people would deffo come, haha..