London Setlist

Kenneth R.

Oct 28, 2004
Hallways of Always
for those too lazy to check the london thread:

Ghost of Perdition
White Cluster
Under the Weeping Moon
The Grand Conjuration
Baying of the Hounds
Demon of the Fall

forgot closure. can't remember so well when you've headbanged your brain out.

NickFBM & I shouted Burt Reynolds before Deliverance, but Mikael assured us that Burt was in fact not his favorite actor, and wondered what kind of idiot would have Burt Reynolds as a favorite actor, to which I shouted "I do!". Mike claimed the song was inspired by a banjo-playing retard.
Insert Closure before Bleak there - they blended the end of Closure into the start of Bleak, that was very cool. Aside from that I can't see anything wrong..

Opeth rocked, the replacement drummer seemed a bit out at first but was doing a great job by the end of the set. Who was he again? Martin something-or-other, from a bunch of bands (Mikael said Europe, but I don't know if he was being a shit again ;) )? Maybe not as tight as the sets they played in Australia the two times I've seen them previously, but still very much worth the cash :) Mikael's banter rocked :D eg - "Don't feel too intimidated by my amazing bass guitar skills" after noodling on Martin's guitar before DoTF.

Burst seemed young, but they do seem to have potential. The vocalist wasn't the best - very samey throughout.

Ackercocke sucked cock. I've only ever seen one bigger bunch of tryhards, and THEY came out on stage dressed in armour and face paint. Their "keyboardist" was a flaming retard. Drummer did a good job, but the vocalist sucked, the songs sucked, they had no structure or cohesion. Came close to ruining the night for me. Poser fucktards.
stand-in drummer was Martin Axenrot, of Bloodbath & other bands so he knows Mike.

& LOL @ Akercocke's keyboardist and their guitarist's haircut. :lol: I saw him on the tube on the way back.
I think the keyboardist pressed one button per song, and spent the rest of the time holding onto his box and jiggling and shaking like he was having an epileptic fit! What a waste of space.. Per sure showed him who is boss :D

Did the guitarist's hair get caught in the doors when they closed? That would have been teh funnay..
What was up with that keyboardist kid, He didn't really fit in with the bands image. I couldn't even hear any keyboard...:rock: lol
I really enjoyed Ackercocke, I just discovered them a month or so ago. I think the keyboardist was a waste of space, and probably also only there to press a couple of buttons - he certainly isn't featured in any of the bands promo photos.

Opeth of course ruled. Nice to see the drummer didn't break his second kickdrum this time ;>

I felt Mike wasn't as funny with his banter this time, or there was less of it. Like he only introduced the drummer, not the rest of the band.

The setlist was cool, I even enjoyed the track from Orchid - I normally skip those ones when I'm listening to all my Opeth albums, but it might just be the production that puts me off...
The gig was amazing last night. Awesome set. Ive seen Opeth 6 times and i think that was the first time they played something off of Orchid. Mike has gotten so much for confident since i saw them at download. Its cool. Bass playing = awesome
I was worried when they started, Mike's growling in GoP was awful. It picked up though. and lol @ Akercocke's vocalist sucked.
Lost Wisdom said:
Mike has gotten so much for confident since i saw them at download.
I agree. I went to Download on that day purely to see Opeth and Mike was like a rabbit caught in headlights; rather nervous.
Lost Wisdom said:
Mike has gotten so much for confident since i saw them at download. Its cool. Bass playing = awesome

Probably because things are going well for him...he's got his Wife, his baby and his awesome band that are starting to get decent exposure.
The keyboard guy was the "Casino Brown" bloke from Ted Maul off of Akercocke's DVD. He didn't play a really siginificant part in the songs, the most being in Son Of The Morning.