looking for brutal death metal snare samples

beyond dead

heavy metal dad \m/
Sep 26, 2007
peterborough, ontario, canada
you know the super dead sounding slam/death grind type snare used by bands like inherit disease, devourment, and all the rest of the bree bree scarier than thou extreme paint can snare?

....... deep breath

I really need to show some dudes that I am scarier than them, have more testosterone and am way more brutal. I figured you guys could help me get there by hooking me up with a really shitty sounding death metal snare

thank you!
not quite that ringy, although that is a brutal one for sure. Im talking more of the super muted, one like this


maybe I`l make something and post it if anyone is interested. I have a JJ pearl snare, and a fresh remo control sound head that I`m using for a session.
I think I would really need a 14" shell to get the sound I`m looking for. something with a warmer shell, maybe maple that wont sound as pingy.

I`ll keep looking for another reference, but any death metal snares that anyone has to share, or a link to some samples.

maybe even some processing techniques, but I think the drum would have to be pretty dampened to start with to get the sound I`m after.
OP, on that snare you got, did you try taking the "snare" out? (as in the chainmail thingy on the bottom) that's what my old drummer used to do, he's very picky about his drum sound and a real pro, it's a shame I can't seem to find any samples of his snare... come to think of it, there might still be a chance...

Anyway, thanks morgan and lasse for those

Yeah and a piccollo most of the time is perfect, but take the snare out!

Morgan: thanks for posting these, I'd completely forgotten about them...especially the spaun snare should deliver what the OP wants.

I'm gonna include these in the snare pack for every LSD owner to download (everyone who doesn't read this thread anyway)
these samples are still free of course, so feel free to distribute them.

I was going to say that there are some snares in Lasses pack that can be useful for you.
Havent had a production that could use them, but I'm sure theill work out good for that kind of stuff!
not quite that ringy, although that is a brutal one for sure. Im talking more of the super muted, one like this


maybe I`l make something and post it if anyone is interested. I have a JJ pearl snare, and a fresh remo control sound head that I`m using for a session.
I think I would really need a 14" shell to get the sound I`m looking for. something with a warmer shell, maybe maple that wont sound as pingy.

I`ll keep looking for another reference, but any death metal snares that anyone has to share, or a link to some samples.

maybe even some processing techniques, but I think the drum would have to be pretty dampened to start with to get the sound I`m after.

Man that sounded like shit if you ask me (but who did haha) It sounded soooo bad
Man that sounded like shit if you ask me (but who did haha) It sounded soooo bad

exactly, thats what im going for.

thanks a lot for these samples guys! sorry it took me awhile to reply. Ive been busy changing poopy diapers and all that jazz. now I can make a sludge grind tune about changing poopies!

some of the snares exceeded my expectations, but I wont complain because they are very useful :)