Looking for guitarists/engineers/producers- Wolfe Amplification Endorsement


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
Hey everybody. I'm currently at the point where I need to get some amps out on the road and in some studios.

I have a contract written up for endorsements, now I just need some people that are willing to sign it! My goal is to get at least 4 deals signed before August when I leave for Afghanistan. That way you can get the word out about my amps while I'm gone for the year- build up intrest so to speak- so when I get back I'll have some people ready to buy.

To sum it up-

The endorsement works both ways. You use/promote/push my gear, and I'll promote your band, studio, whatever, through my website and advertisements.

Year long contract. Failure to uphold certain parts of the deal will forfeit the contract.

During the contract length, the artist is able to purchase Wolfe Amplification products (amps, cabs, etc) at cost. This means you only pay for the parts and the labor for me to build it. I make no money off of the sale, no profit what so ever.

There is obviously a lot more to it, but I don't want to post it all up here. If you are interested, please send me an email(link in sig) or send me a message on FB. My PM box here is full and I can't delete the important messages I have in it. So don't try to contact me that way.

The bottom line of this deal would be that you get a great amp at a great price, and you also get tons of garunteed promotion from Wolfe Amplification. Get on it!

Only serious parties need apply, I have no interest in getting people signed up for this and then not buying anything. I have a business to run, so don't waste my time.
Stop going to afghanistan and help the world to sound good ;)
Seriously that's a great news I hope you're going to find some serious buddy to do this ;)
First steps are the though ones then it will be all easier!
Did you mind sending one out to mr sneap himself? maybe you planned already this...

if i had more cash this would be really tempting....i'm gigging pretty much every other weekend, both with my own bands and occasionally hired-gun stuff, so the amp would be seen on stage very often...i really need to think about this. how much money are we talking about here (regarding the amp btw)?
if i had more cash this would be really tempting....i'm gigging pretty much every other weekend, both with my own bands and occasionally hired-gun stuff, so the amp would be seen on stage very often...i really need to think about this. how much money are we talking about here (regarding the amp btw)?

The price will fluctuate based on parts, but figure around $1500-1700 for a Hellfire, compared to the current retail of $2400. For a 4x12 you are looking at $700 compared to the retail of $1000
Are you offering these for the Javelins as well, cause thats really where my interest lays at the moment. I have a small amp fetish right now and I have no room in the studio for another full size head ...lol

Yep the endorsement deal will cover all products. Looking at $1000 for a Javelin or Stinger, which is a steal. That's right around price for parts so I'm not even getting paid for labor at that point. Throw in a 1x12 for $350 ($500 list) and you'll have yourself a sweat high gain recording rig.

I've received a bunch of interest on FB, I promise I'll get back to everyone in a timely fashion. I'm just recovering from a week and a half of being gone for some Army training, so bear with me.