Wolfe Amplification you say? It has started


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006

Finally had the urge to start building my own designs last week. I have been toying around with what I was going to build since I last mentioned it here a while back. I was dead set on some ideas, bought some parts, but I kept putting it off and started to realize that what I was doing was just copying off of other designs and modding to taste. So I have been reading a lot of books, and have learned a lot of theory and math behind amplifiers. I now know enough to actually design an amp in my head, without going of of other schematics.

I spent all last week drawing up a schematic for my first design. Over the past few days I have assembled the preamp section to test it out before I go further. I borrowed my power transformer and power supply from my SLOclone and hooked it all up. It sounds 'wicked'. This thing is gonna kick ass guys. I'm pretty proud of it. It's a pretty odd design for a high gain preamp, and has little in common from anything else out there. It has 3 parallel sets of gain stages, yet is single channel. Each parallel channel has its own gain control, so you can get a ton of tones out of one amp. Technically, its a single EQ, 3 channel amp, with the ability to mix all 3 channels gains at once. The main gain pathway gets to the distortin levels of a 5150, the second path can blend in JTM45 type gain, and the lower one is just a bit of gain.

Confused yet? Don't be, it sounds good that's all that matters. I'm ordering the parts for the power amp and supply, so I should have that built in a few weeks. And after a few more tweaks/decisions, I should be able to hard wire up this preamp and do some proper testing.

I decided to go with a military vibe on the exterior design, so I figured I'd name my amps after something military. So they will all be named after U.S missles :kickass: This one is called the 'Hellfire', and my next design is going to be called 'Javelin' or 'Stinger'... So many sweet names to pick from.

Oh yeah and because I haven't had much sleep the last few days, I made an error hooking this stuff up and burned up 4 Tung Sol 12AX7's before I figured out what I did wrong :Smug: Next time I'm using cheapos on a prototype.
dunno if you're interested but I'm right over in Chicago and would like to demo one as well. Would post clips, etc. Just wondering though, since its three separate but mixable channels, it is possible to set aside one as a clean channel or is there not a switching function?
wow, that'd be great!
I promise I'll record plenty of clips etc for your homepage....I hope it'll be affordable in case I fall in love with it :)
Don't quote me on this, but as of right now, this model will end up being around $1000, so long as I keep it a 50 watter with no channel switching.
dunno if you're interested but I'm right over in Chicago and would like to demo one as well. Would post clips, etc. Just wondering though, since its three separate but mixable channels, it is possible to set aside one as a clean channel or is there not a switching function?

I was going to keep this one just a single channel gain monster. I have V1 driving pretty hard, so a usable clean sound would be impossible from the get go.

I'll have more amps coming, lots of midi channel switching, just wanted to get this one done first.
that sounds more than fair...

It might be cheaper, I'll have to wait and see how much a completed head shell is going to run me. I have Amish folks not too far away that might be able to do them for cheap(and they would be better quality than any thing I could ever do)
Wow, it sounds like you've made a lot of progress. I'm looking forward to clips :headbang:

I'd love to make some now, it's tempting, but if you would hear all the motor-boating and RF interference this thing makes, you wouldn't be impressed lol. It's all on a breadboard so these things happen. I will for sure get pics and clips as soon as I get a good PTP layout setup.
I'd love to make some now, it's tempting, but if you would hear all the motor-boating and RF interference this thing makes, you wouldn't be impressed lol. It's all on a breadboard so these things happen. I will for sure get pics and clips as soon as I get a good PTP layout setup.

RF is usually a sign that the grid resistors aren't set high enough, 100K minimum to help keep them in line. As far as I am concerned motor boating comes from a bad Power Supply (or not a good smoothing cap) and even not winding the opposing terminals from the power supply to the circuits, especially the tubes. Again as you said that may be a breadboard issue but if it doesn't subside, its a setup issue. Depending on where you are locating the pretubes you might need to put a RF filter over them, definitely V1 and V2.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but do you mean "Amish" like those dudes with hats and beards?

BTW "Hellfire" is a badass name.

Yep, the bearded dudes that don't drive cars. They are woodworking masters, and they will probably build em for me for ice cream(not joking).
RF is usually a sign that the grid resistors aren't set high enough, 100K minimum to help keep them in line. As far as I am concerned motor boating comes from a bad Power Supply (or not a good smoothing cap) and even not winding the opposing terminals from the power supply to the circuits, especially the tubes. Again as you said that may be a breadboard issue but if it doesn't subside, its a setup issue. Depending on where you are locating the pretubes you might need to put a RF filter over them, definitely V1 and V2.

I'm running 220k on my Rg resistors... All the RF is from exposed wires and such. The breadboard is also causing major issues, since I'm exceeding the contact points voltage and power ratings. Also, tube amps need a proper layout to function properly. One wire ran the wrong way, and crazy things happen. Right now it looks like a spider web of jumpers, definitely not good.

I'm 100% sure this thing will be quiet as hell once it's properly laid out. Might even go with DC heaters to take even more noise out, since I have a ton of leftover transformers that could supply them well.