Wolfe Amplification Hellfire- Have a quick listen

On a cab?
no offense buddy, as i think it sounds great, and im jealous of your skill and want one..... but rightnow the front looks a little like a savage raping a 5150.

Ps i love you
My first idea was to put a few diagonal pieces in there instead of the two horizontal pieces, to make it look like a really wide W, but then it resembled a 5150III
I like it... looks very plain and sober but cool.
The only thing I might change would be your hex-perforated aluminum grill. The hexagons are just too small... It looks too weak. Make them bigger and the mesh thicker.
I like it... looks very plain and sober but cool.
The only thing I might change would be your hex-perforated aluminum grill. The hexagons are just too small... It looks too weak. Make them bigger and the mesh thicker.


The mesh I have has bigger hexagons, I just suck at drawing shit.
Don't even worry dude, it looks fine. Just like with so many other things, some people are more interested in aesthetics rather than the SOUND.
You imply it has to be one or the other

Not my intention, I mean, as long as it's not pink with dongs all over it who gives a shit how it looks? If it looked like the most insane amp in the world, but sounded meh, or garbage, what does it matter how cool it looks... ahem, DAR for instance? lol Looks crazy and cool, sound isn't anything special.
Curves would be great, but once again that would require a shop to cnc the grill, and as I've said, it's not feasible if I only need one at a time. They want runs of at least 100 to get the price down, and 100 X $20 is $2000. If anyone wants to loan me $2000 for 100 grills that I will never use, then be my guest. :lol:
So I'm going to go ahead and kill this thread. Just realized how far off topic it got. I'm at the point where I almost have a finished product and I'd like to leave it at that. The next time you hear about my amp, it will be to post finished pictures and clips. Stay tuned!