Looking for some help on building my desk


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7188427/Picture 29.png

This is the sort of design I'm going for.

I have a friend of mine helping me out, neither of us are amazing at woodwork... he got an A at GCSE design... thats good enough for me.

Just looking at it as a little project for us.

Does anyone have any decent links for desk builds? Whats the best wood to make it from?

Im in the UK if anyone knows the best place for suppliers/sites for what I need

Thanks in advance for any help!
I built mine out of birch ply. 3/4" all the way around. Hasn't fallen apart yet. Do a search for my desk build diary, there were lots of pics and info on what I was doing. Might be of some help to you. There were some other desk build threads not too long ago, try looking at those too.

And take the time to learn and use Google sketch up, it was a lifesaver/timesaver for me.
can't help you on the materialsearch, but are you sure you want the design of the desk to be like that?
i have the usual studiorta desk (got it cheap as a used one), which is basically the same and it bothers me, that the display is placed that high. it gets uncomfortable after some time.
maybe its juts me, but think about that man!
I built mine out of birch ply. 3/4" all the way around. Hasn't fallen apart yet. Do a search for my desk build diary, there were lots of pics and info on what I was doing. Might be of some help to you. There were some other desk build threads not too long ago, try looking at those too.

And take the time to learn and use Google sketch up, it was a lifesaver/timesaver for me.

mehhh, how big is your desk? Must be heavy as hell!
I'd stick with MDF board. Cheap, sturdy, and stains good!

+1 for Google Sketchup. Hard as hell to use, but a useful tool