Looking for very similar artists of Children of Bodom

Corny said:
dude, nile is NOT black metal!!!

Seriously... there's no big difference between death and black metal... apart the autoproclamed "tr00 black metal bands" (immortal, ...) which doesn't sound the same way, but common... we're still speaking of the same thing. What would Behemoth be then?
_FollowTheReaper_ said:
Seriously... there's no big difference between death and black metal... apart the autoproclamed "tr00 black metal bands" (immortal, ...) which doesn't sound the same way, but common... we're still speaking of the same thing. What would Behemoth be then?

Musically there's no big difference, but the culture thing is a bit different. Death metal is rarely about religion, while black metal lyrics are often about satanism or christianity (not saying that black metal bands are satanic, though :lol: ). That's what I think, any other opinions?
About Behemoth, I don't know for sure, but I'd say black metal.
_FollowTheReaper_ said:
Seriously... there's no big difference between death and black metal... apart the autoproclamed "tr00 black metal bands" (immortal, ...) which doesn't sound the same way, but common... we're still speaking of the same thing. What would Behemoth be then?

Mayhem and Venom are the most tr00 blackmetal bands evah