Looking for very similar artists of Children of Bodom

What would you guys say are the best albums by Norther, Kalmah, and Ensiferum? I haven't heard them yet, but I'm interested in checking them out.
Krakatau said:
What would you guys say are the best albums by Norther, Kalmah, and Ensiferum? I haven't heard them yet, but I'm interested in checking them out.

best by norther: till death unites us, mirror of madness
ensiferum: ensiferum (argh jaris vocals are very much better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111)
BucketBanger9000 said:
definately Norther.
If you like good, electrical keyboard work, then definately go for Warmen.

I was going to suggest Norther too. I have 3 of their CD's and I think they are very similar sound to COB. I love em.
Norther actually kinda sucks imo despite what others say. Well, Norther's first album "Dreams Of An Endless War" is actually pretty good. But their other albums aren't that melodic and pretty boring. Especially the latest one "Till Death Unites Us", its really boring, maybe even worse than AYDY.

Kalmah is very, very good. Actually much better than Bodom I think, so getting any album is a good idea but their latest one "The Black Waltz" has death metal vocals on it unlike their earlier ones.

Ensiferum is viking oriented but the music is very melodic and bloody brillant. Their first album "Ensiferum" is insanely good. Their second album "Iron" is good too but not nearly as good. They now have the vocalist and guitarist from Norther, Petri Lindroos, which kinda sucks but still alright. So get their earlier albums with Jari Mäenpää on it, cos he is god.

Which reminds me, get Wintersun's self titled debut album! Its insanely good. Its probably my favorite metal album ever released! This is Jari Mäenpää's own band and he has some really sick shit! This is my favorite band too! You don't know metal if you don't have this, seriously!

Skyfire is good too.

Symphony X is really good too, but that is progressive metal, not like Bodom at all.
imisseverygood showbecauseiam5 said:
sym X pwns all
Wintersun pwns Symphony X.

Oh yeah, can't forget about Eternal Tears Of Sorrow, they are very melodic and sound similar to Kalmah but more keyboard oriented than Kalmah, especially their new release "Before The Bleeding Sun".