Looking to try out some Power Metal


Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
My likes are Black Metal and Death Metal, particularly of the Gothenburg school. I like it fast, aggressive, and melodic with a hint of progressiveness.

Would you reccomend me any Power Metal bands that MIGHT interest me according to my afformentioned likes?

So far I only like the song "March of Mephisto" by Kamelot mainly because Shagrath is in it.
You've been here long enough to realize that there's a fucking recommendation thread.
Ex-cally-boo said:
He is right though, you should have posted in the recommendation thread.

i don't like stickies, but you're right. Thanks for the recc anyways. May this thread die in peace.
Ex-cally-boo said:
He is right though, you should have posted in the recommendation thread.

Who gives a fuck just answer the damn question if you have anything. I swear to god people are just assholes to be assholes.
I dont see the problem with people trying to find out about new kinds of music to them, no need to get upset its not hurting anybody
Danallica said:
I dont see the problem with people trying to find out about new kinds of music to them, no need to get upset its not hurting anybody

That wasn't the issue, with respect. Personally, I dont think the rec. thread is much use, as it gets too cluttered and confused to follow easily.
Yes thats true, but i still dont really have an issue with them
The best power metal band out there is probably Blind Guardian. Its also likely the easiest for a fan of harder stuff to listen to because they are darker than a lot of swords and dragons power metal, and their vocalist is incredible at lower ranges instead of singing in a falsetto. I recommend A Night at the Opera for their more progressive side, and Imaginations from the Other Side or Somewhere Far Beyond for their heavier side.

Dragonforce is also good(despite what people say - listen to them for yourself and make up your own mind). Sonic Firestorm is their best album.

Edit: also note that I hate grave digger and kamelot.
If you're listening to mostly Gothenburg congratulations, you're listening to power metal with death vocals.

For power metal with power metal vocals check out Fireaxe and Slough Feg.