looks like bass player went bald

haha i dont see why that should matter at all,why exactly would they become sellouts because mendez cut his hair? I dont care if mikael starts wearing pants 4 sizes too big as long as they keep the music coming
Since when is a shaved head tied to Nu-Metal? Dreadlocks are far closer if you want to make a generalization.
I find it funny that people are calling this a shit thread and finding it necessary to point out that length of hair doesn't have anything to do with good music.

The original post is just two links to pictures of Mendez without hair, nothing else. Calm down, people.
I find it funny that people are calling this a shit thread and finding it necessary to point out that length of hair doesn't have anything to do with good music.

The original post is just two links to pictures of Mendez without hair, nothing else. Calm down, people.

The pictures were fine. Interesting, even. The "speculation" is what's silly.
I can so picture teh shit Mendez will go through at shows now....hahaha.....ppl hecklin the poor guy for cuttin hs hair......heck i bet someone will actually think this is not teh real Bass player....just wait and watch....hahahah....PEAC EOUT
This thread is really really terrible. And I contributed to it. :erk: That a haircut has any musical relevance is ridiculous.

God forbid people think of the members of Opeth as actual people and not just music-producing machines.
God forbid people think of the members of Opeth as actual people and not just music-producing machines.

Lady Valerie, I believe you misunderstsood my statement. I'm interested in seeing Mendez's new 'do. It's kind of cool iyam. What I'm getting at is that a haircut will not change how he plays. And I couldn't agree with you more that the members of Opeth are people who do more than make music. As people go (especially metal people), they seem pretty decent. Good folk in my book. :)