looks vs music?


Dec 13, 2001
Northen Sweden
gah, i must been re-writing this shit 10 times now, (my english sucks).. heh, ohwell.. here we go.. time for a silly thing that popped into my head..

its about todays metal fans, (thoose i´ve met here in sweden anyway)... it seems that metal is more about the look at a person, style/clothes/hair and so on then the music... i mean, without the music there wouldnt be anything. Its the music that keeps us all togheter, not the lenght of your hair or the darkness at your clothes or some shit like that...

I´ve been listening to metal since i was about 8-9 years old, and my hair aint that long, hmm... when i think about i dont have any at all, *scratch*.. or thoose black clothes or so...

This sounds really silly, cause it is... i really dont give a fuck what people think about the way i look or dress and so, how metal it is or whatever... but i wouldnt mention this at all, if its not true..

Its just sad so to see people beeing rejected by others that have the same interest, just based on their look, ofcourse not everyone ive met is like this... but imo theres to many...

ohwell.... hmm, cant really explain and tell everything i want to, cause i aint that good at english, but u get the picture?... is this anything anyone else felt or seen?.... or is this just me giving u all a lame post at 4:34 in the morning tired as hell ;)
Originally posted by wobbo
This sounds really silly, cause it is... i really dont give a fuck what people think about the way i look or dress and so, how metal it is or whatever... but i wouldnt mention this at all, if its not true..

Its just sad so to see people beeing rejected by others that have the same interest, just based on their look, ofcourse not everyone ive met is like this... but imo theres to many...

My mom used to drive my friends and I to our little league games, and I would occasionally put in an Iron Maiden tape or something, you should have seen the looks I would receive from my friends. I have never and will never look “metal.” As a matter of fact, if you were one to stick with stereotypes, you’d probably look at me and assume either I don’t listen to music or I listen to classical or jazz (which I do, but you see my point). For me it has never and will never be about image; it will always be entirely about the music and the music alone. And I am not trying to scoff at those who have a “metal” image; we are all our own people.
Not sure what Edge of Sanity specifically has to do with looking metal but yeah, they seriously rocked.

Lot of people in the scene around here try to look the part, but I think there are almost as many who don't. I don't think "looking metal" is as important as it used to be, at least in this area.
...I mean, lets face it. The 'OPETH-MOUSTACHE' isn't very'metal' now is it?

Who cares? Sure, i got long hair, i got a few metal-shirts. But who give's a flying-fuck?

Metal is Metal.

Image is NOT metal.
in fact, i tend to doubt the seriousness of the ones who DO try to look metal. i figure they're into metal to scare people, piss off their parents, generally rebel against society. i'm not talking about a few metal shirts -- hell, i wear some metal shirts. i'm talking more about the goth look -- the black all the time. the second someone starts to dress in accordance with some clique, that's when they become a cliche in my book.
I still haven't figured out expressionaism in this society. The more people try to be different externally, the more I wonder what message that person is trying to send, or an image they are trying to portray.

I have nothing against the goth look, or tattoos or piercings, but whether its one tattoo or a body full, or a pierced tongue or several piercings, I haven't equated the # of things on a person to the message they are trying to send.

In others eyes, I look nothing like they would expect to see based on the music I play. So what? I see no correlation with music and looks (IMHO).
To look at me, you'd think I like the same crap chart music that everyone listens to. But I'm growing my hair now.

On a slightly different sunject, I can't stand the people, mainly youngsters, who like nu-metal 'cos they think it makes them "hard". They go around with their Slipknot t-shirts on thinking that they're better than everyone else. :mad: :mad:
well to tell you the truth im only in it for the image, and i wanna annoy my parents (who i fucking love, but it seems its the thing to do, so i hate em) and i havent even listened to any opeth or other metal...:rolleyes:
I like the metal look. I wear black all the time (well, some of my t-shirts are of other color so...), IMO any other color just doesn't look good on me. I also have long hair and I couldn't imagine myself with short hair.