Thoughts on Metal VS Other Music Genres

Anybody who does not think hip hop can be intelligent and deep beyond MTV should listen to some Sage Francis. His album, Personal Journals, is one of my favorite records of all time. It's up there next to Blackwater Park.

Also worth checking out are Atmosphere, Aesop Rock, Fermented Reptile, Gruf the Druid.

For turntablism, DJ Shadow is a god. Never has sampling sounded so good and flowed so well.

I'm sorry, I'm as much of an Opeth worshipper as the next forum member, but metal is far from all there is in this world. Without hiphop, things would get fairly dull for me.

Now, back to 'Cut Chemist - Rare Equations'.
This is a debate that is unwinnable with absolutely no answer folks. its just full of personal opinions. But I will say this about one thing. It was said that country and folk makes metal music lyrically pale in comparison: Just compare the darkly beautiful lyrics of "A Fair Judgement" and compare them to a country song such as "Let's Talk About Me." Then consider they country song was wrote by a team of professional sogwriters!
Originally posted by thebigfish
IMO the biggest drawback in metal music is that its composers write riffs, separated pieces - instead of songs. different parts must be sewn together naturally in order to create songs with a unified feeling in it. i mean: i could name my favorite opeth-riffs, but i can't name my favorite opeth songs because opeth doesn't write songs (apart from the non-metal stuff like benighted and harvest). i could dig into fundamental musical theory right now, but... who would care... i'd rather turn in now.

So you're essentially saying that it's a shame that Opeth don't compose all their songs in a verse-chorus-verse format?
That's something I see a lot - when I tell my co-workers that I'm going to a progressive death metal show, and it's my favourite band, they all sort of stare at me. They can't even contemplate comprehending the music, it's so offensive and different. They shut out any thought of it. (from observation)

I couldn't agree more with that statement. Some people just don't get it, I don't want to offend them but it seems like they offend me with the look they give me as well.

I think we can all agree the best music is the music made by people who don't care about being famous. You guys mention Rap is not all bad but you mention underground Rap, not the mainstream gibberish that is out today. Why is it that the most creative artists always seem to be supressed?

I think one of the above posters said it best that people are just looking to be enterained and not engulfed by the music.
yeah......Angela Gossow or whoever....pretty hot, no talent (she also acted soooo frickin cheesy on stage)

I like metal the most, but I also like some techno (but I have a system in my car, so i need something to blast sometimes besides Emperor or whatnot)
Originally posted by Aecliptica
Yesterday I was just listenin to some great metal and a thouhgt came into my head... "why is metal so damn good? how can i play it over and over again and still enjoy it? why do I like metal and not rap? or pop? or country?" well i came up with this answer.

The thing with metal just takes so much talent to produce a good song. People that listen to metal can actually appreciate the time people take to make this great music and the skill needed to play. I find with metal , i can listen to a song literally 100 times...and still enjoy it like it was the first time i listened to it. As with rap, or some dance song, it gets old after like 3 times that i hear it. I was discussin this with my friends and we realized we can just get together, sit, and listen to metal for hours and appreciate it. For some reason i cannot see the same with rap, hip hop, country or any other genre. what do you people think about this?
I'm new to this site ,but I can say that I'm a little surprised to see the number of the posts to Opeth forums;on the other hand I've understood that I'm not wrong to love Opeth's original sound.I've the same problem with most of you,in fact that's not a problem an enjoying addiction:listening to heavy metal hours and hours.I'm listening to Opeth at least 13-14 hours a day,before Opeth I've listened to many groups including Empyrium,Gorefest,Rotting Christ,Anathema,My Dying Pride,Megadeath,Metallica,In Flames,Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath,Iced Earth and so on,but there's something special with Opeth that prevents me from listening other groups again(before Opeth, I was also listening to metal music at least 13-14 hours a day).Metal music is very interesting really strange,may be magical that really,I've listened the same songs hundreds of times again and again but I've not gotten rid of any of them and I don't think that I will.
I agree metal music is the best reflection of our feelings.That's why it makes an addiction.
I'm new to this site ,but I can say that I'm a little surprised to see the number of the posts to Opeth forums;on the other hand I've understood that I'm not wrong to love Opeth's original sound.I've the same problem with most of you,in fact that's not a problem an enjoying addiction:listening to heavy metal hours and hours.I'm listening to Opeth at least 13-14 hours a day,before Opeth I've listened to many groups including Empyrium,Gorefest,Rotting Christ,Anathema,My Dying Pride,Megadeath,Metallica,In Flames,Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath,Iced Earth and so on,but there's something special with Opeth that prevents me from listening other groups again(before Opeth, I was also listening to metal music at least 13-14 hours a day).Metal music is very interesting really strange,may be magical that really,I've listened the same songs hundreds of times again and again but I've not gotten rid of any of them and I don't think that I will.

I tottaly agree with you. Before Opeth i was listenin to almost the same bands you did. Mostly In Flames was my #1. As do i listen to 13+ hours of metal a day.Theres just something that pulls me in everytime . im addicted!:lol: ;)