Lost among the Interfaces.


Mar 20, 2013
hey everyone,

Gonna be honest with you. Partially thanks to the digital revolution(that I feel i am lagging behind in) I haven't bought a piece of hardware for my studio since 2007 with most of my gear coming from 2002. Now that I am updating all of the core components of my home studio I am trying to teach myself all that happened in music tech over the last decade.

I am used to internal ASIO PCI soundcards/audio interfaces being the only viable option for pro audio so i imagine I have a lot of preconceptions that I need to get over but as I look at what's available a lot of it doesn't make any sense to me. i.e. external interfaces only seem to give you the necessary I/O's for your gear but do they also affect vst performance? If they do i have no idea how.

If anyone could recommend me an interface(internal or external though I am used to working with internal) that has capacity for recording with 2 mic's simultaneously , has a combination of unbalanced and balanced 1/4" i/os MIDI In/Out separate out for headphones, has ASIO drivers and falls within the $300-$400 price range I would appreciate it! I also do mixing work for myself and others and use a lot of synth and sampled vst's along with live playing. My live playing is recorded via DI's and/or usually 1 or 2 mic's.

Your computer is going to be a larger factor for recording while having synth plugins going, cpu/ram and such. I can't really recommend a specific card since I'm sort of nearing the point where I'm searching for one myself (6 y/o Profire 610) but you should be able to find a REALLY good one in that pricce range easily.
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So far i've been figuring out that most usb interfaces function the same way as my current gear. I always thought interfaces were JUST an array of I/O's and that people were using them in conjunction with internal hardware. Still trying to play catch up but I guess things haven't changed quite as much as they seemed to have. Still i would feel loads better investing in PCIe over a usb device. :)
I'm not sure what you have as far as the hardware goes but the convenience of having volume and input trim knob at arms reach is a nice thing about external desktop interfaces.
I'm not sure what you have as far as the hardware goes but the convenience of having volume and input trim knob at arms reach is a nice thing about external desktop interfaces.
Yes. I love my Steinberg UR28M with all it's options at arm's reach.