Lost in a Day

Yeah like I mentioned to you before, Billy, back then I was especially into the Finnish sound of bands like Amorphis and Sentenced, and I'd come up with that song, honestly not even thinking so much about it being an ND song, just for my own need to create something along those lines. When I played it for the other guys, and Eric and Paul and Joe added their own touch to it, it became an ND song. I'm glad that people enjoy that song, I am proud of it, I just make remarks like I did in the previous post because it's one of those songs that we've played alot over the past few years, it's always in the set. Sometimes it gets to be routine playing the same song over and over, but hey that's all part of the biz.
Billy Steele said:
It's the Black No.1 of ND, lol.

WHAT?! Is "lost in a day" really the most-played song live??? Isn't there something from one of the earlier albums that's been played at every show so far or something?

Btw I really don't like 'black no 1' very much :( I need to get that type o dvd, though, 'October Rust' is one of my favorite albums ever.
haha, yeah. I can understand why people think it's Opeth-ish. It does bear the resemblance, but again that's because of shared influences with them, not because of copycating their style. I like Opeth, honestly. But to be honest, I can't even think right now of what "Serenity Painted Death" even sounds like....which cd is that from?

Paul is right, the beginning of Not The Strong is very much a Voivod influence. People who know me well know that Voivod were and are one of the biggest musical influences on me. I also like alot of prog-rock, prog-metal, like Yes, King Crimson, Deep Purple, Watchtower, Mekong Delta...mix all of the aforementioned bands up, add some Candlemass to the mix, and you can see why Opeth and ND bear musical similarities.

I don't mind when people say we sound a bit like Opeth, Affinityband. It's a compliment in a way. I hate when people accuse us of ripping them off, however, which has happened before. Some people just don't know any better, oh well.

I'm glad to get to talk about the influences I actually DO have in my songwriting, and not the influences that people seem convinced I must have. Maybe it'll make people bother to check out a Voivod cd or a King Crimson cd, etc. I think these influences are coming out even stronger on the new material I'm writing.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
haha, yeah. I can understand why people think it's Opeth-ish. It does bear the resemblance, but again that's because of shared influences with them, not because of copycating their style. I like Opeth, honestly. But to be honest, I can't even think right now of what "Serenity Painted Death" even sounds like....which cd is that from?

Paul is right, the beginning of Not The Strong is very much a Voivod influence. People who know me well know that Voivod were and are one of the biggest musical influences on me. I also like alot of prog-rock, prog-metal, like Yes, King Crimson, Deep Purple, Watchtower, Mekong Delta...mix all of the aforementioned bands up, add some Candlemass to the mix, and you can see why Opeth and ND bear musical similarities.

I don't mind when people say we sound a bit like Opeth, Affinityband. It's a compliment in a way. I hate when people accuse us of ripping them off, however, which has happened before. Some people just don't know any better, oh well.

I'm glad to get to talk about the influences I actually DO have in my songwriting, and not the influences that people seem convinced I must have. Maybe it'll make people bother to check out a Voivod cd or a King Crimson cd, etc. I think these influences are coming out even stronger on the new material I'm writing.

I know that novembers doom arent a copy of Opeth in anyway. For a start, pauls roars are far better imo. The song is off Still Life and is track 6 i believe. But i think that anyone that listens to the bands frequently and knows their catalogue quite familiarly would say you and Opeth are nothing a like. I myself have to check out some Voivod as i havent made much of effort too.
But if you listen to the first couple of chords of those tracks you can hear a similarity, this isnt a big deal whatsoever. They probably took it from somewhere else too as Mike openly admits his love of taking stuff from Other bands. Although very few of the bands are metal. I guess thats what makes it sound unique as a whole. But seeing as i have never really listened to Voivod (Only small bits) it is hard for me to hear the comparison and too me you guys sound Original.
The trick with Voivod, is that they're a band who tend to sound quite different depending on which album and time period you're referencing. Bands like Opeth would probably draw their Voivod influence more from the "Killing Technology" and "Dimension Hatross" period, when some would say (arguably) that they were at their peak creatively and technically. Being that I'm such a longtime fan of Voivod, I can't really pinpoint where my influences come from with them, I think everything they've ever done is spectacular. If I had to, I'd say "Angel Rat" and "Dimension Hatross" probably had the biggest impact on me musically.

Ah okay, that song you mentioned is from "Still Life". You know, ironically, I must be one of the few people who don't really care much for that album. I think the playing is stellar, of course, but the actual songs and riffs don't grab me as much as their latter day stuff. "Still Life" and "Orchid" were the two discs of theirs that I never really found much interest in, which seems contrary to many of the more serious Opeth fans. I admire them, I enjoy listening to them sometimes, and I find inspiration in them in terms of their level of professionalism in the studio and live. But I am not interested in copping their licks. As I've stated before, what initially drew me to Opeth was the fact that I heard so many of the same kinds of influences in their writing and playing as I had in my own. When I've talked with Mikael before, we've discussed musical influences and favorites, and we seem to have many of the same ones shared between us. He is much more accomplished of a musician than I am, and I certainly am not trying to compare us or claim to be on his level. But I think we both came up in the same kind of school of influences and musical interestes, even on opposite continents.

In recent years, I've actually tried to be conscious at times of trying NOT to sound too much like Opeth, because of the flak we've received for it. I've realised recently that it's almost pointless, because even when I've written something that I personally feel isn't comparable, inevitably someone out there will still say it sounds like them! So these days, I'm just writing whatever sounds good to me, and if we like playing it, then there it is. I feel pretty strongly that the new material will stand out that much more though from being directly comparable to anyone else. I guess we'll all see once the album is done and ready to be heard.
I was trying to think of something relevant to say back. Because i didnt want to seem impolite as you took the time to reply to me. But i think you actually think you summed it up in one. You guys dont sound like Opeth whatsoever. Anyone who thinks so hasnt taken the time to listen properly. Same with the idiots that say all metal sounds the same.
Its cool that the actual band members post here. I just recently started getting into ND, Bought the Pale Haunt Departure and i think its great.
Still Life is one of the greatest CD's in my collection, and that's saying a LOT (I've got over 1100 CD's and counting). I also think it's the last good CD they did (although I have to hear the new one more. I own it, just never listen because I'm never home anymore at a decent hour).

And yeah, it's very cool that the band members post on here. Shows they care about their fanbase. Now if I could just get to see em live..
See, that goes to show how people can just have such different views even if they're both "fans" of the same band. I can't say I strongly dislike "Still Life" but yeah it's like my least favorite one, next to "Orchid". I think albums like "Blackwater Park" and "Deliverance" are much more preferable, to my tastes at least. I tend to go more for the hooks, really. I've heard "Still Life" at least a good handful of times, and I still can't think of anything that really grabbed me off of that album, unlike the other ones I mentioned where I found myself instantly hooked and remembering parts and songs after only the first listening or so. I will say that "Still Life" probably is their most progressive album. The playing is phenominal on that one, certainly.

Crysiss, welcome to the forum and thanks for the positive comments. Almost all of the band members post here, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I try to check the forum as often as possible.