Lost in a Day

Angeleyes Part II said:
Oh, but Calabria is very beautiful,have you ever been there Vito?

Isn't there suposed to be another bandmember here,what's his name Sanches something,I think he plays the drums?..And there's also someone else who plays guitar at "The Note" gig also with black hair,who's he ? ppfff i so lost it..

Allora..nessuno me lo ficca in culo,capisce! :lol:

Calabria is gorgeous, I have been there four times. My parents grew up in a small village built into the side of a mountain. I have never been anywhere more beautful or peaceful than that place. I don't know all the words you said in italian, just Allora, culo, and capisce lol. I'm a bit rusty haha.
BalanceofPower said:
Calabria is gorgeous, I have been there four times. My parents grew up in a small village built into the side of a mountain. I have never been anywhere more beautful or peaceful than that place. I don't know all the words you said in italian, just Allora, culo, and capisce lol. I'm a bit rusty haha.

I've never been there unfortunatly,I only see it on pics..Calabria and Sardegna are still on my wish list to visit one day!....My dad is from the North,a small village near Lago Di Garda..I also love to be there,..ppl are so much more relaxed,don't you agree?
We're you born there?
"Allora..culo..capisce" sounds gross Vito..haha..
Angeleyes Part II said:
I've never been there unfortunatly,I only see it on pics..Calabria and Sardegna are still on my wish list to visit one day!....My dad is from the North,a small village near Lago Di Garda..I also love to be there,..ppl are so much more relaxed,don't you agree?
We're you born there?
"Allora..culo..capisce" sounds gross Vito..haha..

Yeah the way of life over there is the complete opposite from life over here in the states. Life over here is very stressfull with work and other bullshit, but over there its very care free. It does take some time getting used to schedules over in Italy. Stores are generally only open from like 8am-noon, then they shut down till about 4 or 5. I plan on living there when I get a lot older haha.

I was born here in the states. And "Allora..culo..capisce" is pretty funny when you don't add other words in between them.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Vito can someday be the doom metal Godfather, living out the rest of his days on his plantation, importing cases of olive oil, etc. But he'll still find time for Carnosaur. Oh yes.

You are right in ideed my friend. No matter how old I get, or how big of a mob boss I become, Carnosaur shall always have a place in my heart.
Novembers Paul said:

Joe Nunez is our drummer. He's not online though. No computer, and still in the stone age.

No way you could drag Captain Caveman out if his hole i supose?..

@Don Vito: Have you only visit Calabria or did ya go to other places as well in Italy? Good thing about those rare hours for stores to be open between noon and 4/5 is...YOU CAN SLEEP!!..