Lost my plug-ins!!! Help!


Metal Commando.
Mar 31, 2004
The ruins of Los Angeles
Ok Im a newbie and need your expertise.
Im running digi 002 on a g5 dual processor. Everything was working beautifully until yesterday when I went on to the Waves site and clicked on the convolution verb for OS X. It downloaded without asking for a response. Then when I tried to open protools I got an error saying it couldnt find the DLL for thre Rbass Renaissance plug in 4.0_9. Instead of dealing with it, I went in and trashed the folder with the Convolution verb was in. (Heres where it gets ugly). Now ALL my Renaissance plug ins are gone!!! All the sessions I was using them in are inactive. I got 2 question
1. is it possible to re-install the plug-ins and not lose my settings??
2. Are all my sessions ruined?
Give it to me straight up guys .
adrianvillan said:
1. is it possible to re-install the plug-ins and not lose my settings??

If by that you mean your presets in Waves plug-ins, I know that they hold them in certain files on Windows, I suppose it's the same on Mac, but I wouldn't know where they are located.

2. Are all my sessions ruined?

I suppose your troubles with the plugins shouldn't have anything to do with your sessions. Cubase stores plugin settings for every project in its own project file (unrelated to the plugins themselves, that is...), PT should do the same...
I've had numerous occasions where I've tried to open some old project and it asked me for a certain plugin that wasn't installed. Once I installed it, Cubase correctly applied the saved settings...

Good luck! ;)
SickBoy said:
If by that you mean your presets in Waves plug-ins, I know that they hold them in certain files on Windows, I suppose it's the same on Mac, but I wouldn't know where they are located.

I suppose your troubles with the plugins shouldn't have anything to do with your sessions. Cubase stores plugin settings for every project in its own project file (unrelated to the plugins themselves, that is...), PT should do the same...
I've had numerous occasions where I've tried to open some old project and it asked me for a certain plugin that wasn't installed. Once I installed it, Cubase correctly applied the saved settings...

Good luck! ;)

hey thanks Sick boy! You gave me hope! I have all the wave files in an extrernal hard drive so IM not worried about that, Its just that Im in the middle of 4 differnt project and I used those plug ins on all of them. Im royally screwed if my settings are gone! Thanks again! :worship:
Kazrog said:
I would reinstall the plug-ins you're missing, it can't hurt.
I will do just that! Just need to find that one disk and of course I found all the other disk EXCEPT that one. If not I will have to buy it again. All the guys Im recording arent very understanding and will want there stuff finished regarless of the problems I have.
I would check with Waves first, it never hurts to ask, but if they won't hook you up try looking around on P2P or bittorrent. It's better than having to pony up more cash.
Undoubtely you can D/L it from their site. If you're registered and using an iLok it should be a nonissue. PT keeps all of your pluggin settings saved with the session info and everything should reaapear once you've got the stuff installed again. In the future I would reccomend not trashing folders as an unistall method.:grin:
egan. said:
Undoubtely you can D/L it from their site. If you're registered and using an iLok it should be a nonissue. PT keeps all of your pluggin settings saved with the session info and everything should reaapear once you've got the stuff installed again. In the future I would reccomend not trashing folders as an unistall method.:grin:

safe to say it wont happen again! :Smug: