
Aug 1, 2005
Batavia, IL
Anyone here a fan of Lost? I plan on picking up season 3 hopefully tonight. Probably my favorite show on TV right now, and I gotta believe there's others here who are fans so maybe this can serve as a place to discuss the show.
Yeah I absolutely love LOST! When does the next new episode air? I'm kinda out of the loop, but don't want to miss it. It's definitely my favorite TV series currently on-air and of all-time, right behind Highlander, of course! :D :D
Sometime in February. Hopefully the WGA strike gets resolved so they can complete the rest of the episodes for the planned May finish (aka.... no 3 month long break like last season).
When I was layed up after some ankle surgery, some friend brought over season 1 for me to watch. This was after it had aired, but I didn't know anything about the show. I dug it. Thought it had some cool ideas. Then I started watching season 2, and couldn't get in to it at all. Never finished the season.
Absolutely! However, I simply don't bother until the dvd is released. Then the marathon's on. :)

This is also becoming my strategy more and more. It also helps weed out the marginal shows, since you can wait until a new show has gotten lots of praise for a long time, rather than just after a couple of episodes, before you dedicate your own time to it.

For shows that are currently running, I record them and then watch 3-4 at a time, it's more fun that way!

Lost did get a little lame during season 2, but season 3 sort of picked it up again, especially near the end.

I have never watched one single episode, shame on me. My favorite series is JERICHO, and hopefully it will be back in Jan with 10 new episodes.
Been re-watching season 3 the past day or so. Sadly, I'll also probably re-watch seasons 1 and 2 again just to get ready for season 4. I'm not very patient and just couldn't resist reading some of the alleged season 4 spoilers and if they're true, we should be in line for some killer episodes.
Use to be die hard into LOST... I was totally into the first season... hitting all the websites they set up just for the show (like the corp. site mentioned in the film they found...) I loved it.. then Season 2 started and it was... I dunno, it was like it was trying to hard to keep the questions with no answers bit and it just got to be too much... I ditched the show...

I'd like to eventually get back into it, but I'd have to do like some here seem to be doing, rent the DVDs and have a marathon (use to have season 1 but got rid of it...)
I've been a fan of the show since the beginning. I was ok through Season 2, then this past year I sort of found myself "zoning out" while watching it. I'm hoping it will get straightened back around. I try to keep myself into the loop with the clues. Like there was one episode where Sawyer was reading Watership Down. Then there was the episode with Charlie's character passing where it had rabbits on the hatch doors, but I think it was called Through the Looking Glass or something on that order....

So there's little tidbits here and there in Season 3 worth looking back at.
I've been a fan of the show since the beginning. I was ok through Season 2, then this past year I sort of found myself "zoning out" while watching it. I'm hoping it will get straightened back around. I try to keep myself into the loop with the clues. Like there was one episode where Sawyer was reading Watership Down. Then there was the episode with Charlie's character passing where it had rabbits on the hatch doors, but I think it was called Through the Looking Glass or something on that order....

So there's little tidbits here and there in Season 3 worth looking back at.

On the bonus disc for season 3, there's a cool feature that discusses all the books mentioned or seen on the island and their significance to the storylines.

Regarding the little "titbits" I think I find like 10 more every time I re-watch a new episode. I just finished up the season 3 finale last night and caught tons of stuff I had previously missed that, of course, just bring up more fucking questions.
we've been with this show since the third episode of season one. And boy, what a roller coaster ride it's been. Sure, there have been a few dry moments each season. But what television show has never had a dry moment? :Smug:

And I'm still following the theory that the island is the lost continent of Lemuria. In the episode "Live Together, Die Alone" while at sea, Sayid, Jin, and Sun sight what appears to be the remnants of a massive statue — a large, four-toed marble foot broken off at the ankle, standing upon a rock in the surf. Sayid remarks that he does not know which is more disturbing: the fact that the rest of the statue is missing or that the foot has only four toes. Many fans are also puzzled by the origins of the statue, and some have compared it to the Colossus of Rhodes. Further ruins are revealed in "The Brig" when the Others tie Locke's father to the broken base of a large, stone column. Though they look ancient, the age of these ruins has yet to be confirmed.

Executive producer/writer Carlton Cuse has revealed that the statue will be addressed in Season 4. woohoo! :)
I still dig the theory that they are all in a pysch ward and when they "die" they are actually cured patients, and those left are still, well crazy... a wee bit far fetched, I know... but isn't the whole show?? (well was when i was watching it... ) :)
I still dig the theory that they are all in a pysch ward and when they "die" they are actually cured patients, and those left are still, well crazy... a wee bit far fetched, I know... but isn't the whole show?? (well was when i was watching it... ) :)

I'm not a fan of "imaginary story" endings like St Elsewhere. Star Trek also played with that one season of Deep Space Nine.