Wow, I almost don't know what to say after watching that. Magically appearing rabbits?!
15 and 21 looked so similar I had to watch it again. I'm so perplexed and intrigued that I'm almost angry!

Thanks for posting that! I never would have known about it otherwise. Now can you tell me anything else about it?
Watch again....they're both 15. I don't know much about least not as much as the guys who have made huge websites devoted to their "lost theories", but here's my take on that. Don't read ahead if you haven't seen this week's episode...
Being that the two rabbits are (as far as we can tell) the same rabbit (this is just a theory/assumption), there either has to be some sort of time travel or parallel dimensions/existence. Between that and the time difference with the rocket, I think the parallel existence/alternate reality thing is given more stout. But then, that doesn't explain the fact that radio contact between the island and the ship is happening in real-time whereas physical things (the rocket) are not operating on the same time time when going between the two. Some other thoughts on things:
-the spy Ben has on the ship: I think it's Michael
-we aren't shown the exact nature of the deal Sayid made with Locke (which I have a strong feeling Ben was involved with as well) and I think that will have some serious bearing on the outcome of things
-anyone else notice that the chick Sayid was dating/killed had the same bracelet as Naomi. I recon the "economist" is the same guy behind the people who just arrived on the island
-I believe that Ben is having sayid kill all those associated with the economist to keep the islands secret safe. Why? Because those who aren't part of the 6 are still there, but primarily to keep the island safe
-Jack and Hurley want to go back to the island because everyone else is still stuck there
-wtf is up with Jack's dad in jacob's cabin?
@rms- I think Ben has leverage on Sayid (and likely jack and the others too) because he is able to get them back to the island in one way or another (i have an even stranger theory on "ben's" involvement off the island...but it's too much to bother typing

). They are helping ben because they have to in order to help their friends. I also think the incident that Ben was referring to with the "remember what happened last time you thought with your heart instead of your gun" is something of significance that could be playing into why sayid is working for/with him
There are some good sights with some VERY interesting theories on the show that I'd reccomend seeking out if you're interested. One of my favorite things about the show is how many little easter eggs there are throughout. If I didn't check online every week for updates I sure as hell wouldn't catch half of them, there are so many subtle things in the show that can really affect whatever you think is going on. For the longest time I didn't really think they were going to take the show somewhere really cool and deep like they are simply because it's such a popular show and the average viewer isn't going to put the effort into thinking about a lot of that...but they've really proven me wrong.
PS....I had a much much longer explanation of my theory on the rabbits and their relationship to what's going on in this weeks episode and the island in general...but I ended up defeating my own logic after about 5 paragraphs