
I wonder something..... when future Desmond went back to the military facility, he was familiar there but when he jumped back to the future, he was still past Desmond. Did the time travel backwards then forward again cause amnesia for his future self when returning? If so, then how did he come back to sorts at the end when he finally could remember Sayid's name? So then, does the amnesia revert once the "mission is accomplished" in a quasi-Quantum Leap fashion? I barely understand what I'm trying to ask. Basically what happens to future Desmond when past Desmond is in the future? Shouldn't he be future Desmond all the time in the future, and past Desmond always in the past, and just one Desmond is unconscious while his mind is in the opposite time? Restated: what happened to future Desmond (the one who knows where he is on the boat and knows Sayid) when past Desmond was occupying the future body? Maybe that's where the other rabbit comes in, cuz now we essentially have two Desmonds.
This will really annoy you, but has anybody else noticed that every time the "film scientist" appears - he has a different name each time?
i don't think it's really been explained yet. i thinksomething caused him to revert to a past mentality somehow. im sure it will get into more detail soon.

Well perhaps the storm generated some sort of electrical field that combined with his "high amounts of radiation" from when he turned off the key thing, and that's pretty clear since past Dr Faraday explained it as he was setting up the device on Heloise fo the first time. But I bet that rabbit video (watch it on the previous page of comments at the bottom) shows past & future Rabbit 15s together because he said "what did you set it to" and it's not what Desmond told Faraday so apparently they were experimenting with the number.... but why? lol! grr!!!

Babs, I didn't notice that! You're right it does annoy me! What kind of games are they playing with my mind?! :yell: :lol:
Babs, I didn't notice that! You're right it does annoy me! What kind of games are they playing with my mind?! :yell: :lol:

People at work laugh at me when I confess that I take notes while watching it. Brings out the geek in me (ha ha).

And just think, there's tons of stuff I prolly still don't catch! Just wait until tonight!
"Rabbit tonight, huh? There wasn't a number on it was there?" :lol: :lol:

Okay so Desmond won't die of his brain short circuiting because he made contact with his constant. That's my theory anyway. Keeps his brain from short-circuiting like Eloise's and the communications officer on the boat. I recommend watching the repeats with the footnotes. It's hard to do both at once and catch all the details, and sometimes the footnotes spoil the fun if you haven't seen the episode already. I'm dying to know who Ben named as his spy on the boat. It's going to be a tough 2 weeks until we find out (since next week will likely be the Desmond/Sayid/boat storyline continuation)..

For those that didn't watch the repeat with footnotes, the numbers that Desmond tells to Faraday for the machine are similar to Hurley's winning lottery numbers which are also corresponding to the numbers entered on the computer in the Swan hatch. ;) And look up the names Faraday & Hume. As soon as Daniel talked about electromagnetism, I laughed out loud!
well they said we will find out the remaining of the Oceanic 6 next week.

i think i know Ben's spy on the boat. they said it was someone you'd never expect to see again.

I think it's Michael- the older black guy who ben let leave on a small boat w/ his son at the end of season 1. Think about it, Ben would never really let someone go. He always has a plan...and i think they are the spies there.
I think it's Michael- the older black guy who ben let leave on a small boat w/ his son at the end of season 1. Think about it, Ben would never really let someone go. He always has a plan...and i think they are the spies there.

I know people have hinted that Michael's character was coming back to the s how, but I don't think it's him that is the spy.

I think it's either Walt (who lived among the others for awhile and saved Locke) or it's Anna Lucia (sp?) - only because they've hinted her name a few times. Also, wasn't she the one who wound up killing Goodwin? So that would have put her in Ben's good graces????
well walt and anna lucia had both died, havent they?

and the reason i really think it's michael is because it says someone we never expected to see again, but didnt locke already "see" walt after he was shot?

i really doubt ben would let anyone actually leave the island so i'd have to think its michael.
Walt and Michael both took that boat back to 'home' together and we haven't seen either of htem since, but we did see a taller version of Walt when Locke was shot by Ben in that pit.
And look up the names Faraday & Hume. As soon as Daniel talked about electromagnetism, I laughed out loud!

Most of the character's names carry some sort of significance, which certainly adds a bit of depth to the storyline. Recently, that creepy black guy that visited Hurley in the mental hospital, last name Abaddon. His name, shockingly, has to do with demons, destruction, etc.

Additionally, regarding many of the previous comments/questions by some... is everyone aware that seasons 1-3 are all available on dvd?
yep, and i have them all.

as far as names go i have some stuff i had gathered and saved...some will seem as more of a stretch than others.

Sayid: might be from author Edward Said. spelled different, pronounced the same. Many of the ways Sayid talks (especially in previous seasons referring to the others) is extremely similar to Edward's work on Orientalism. Also, Edward focused most of his work on assumptions and presumed facts about those of Middle East decent. this is right on- sayid has been judged in the show previously due to his origin.

John Locke: is actually the exact same name/spelling as a 16th century philosopher. he is reffered to as one of the most important "elightenment" thinkers, and is known for his work about the mind and personal identity. some same qualities yea?

Desmond David Hume: the 17th century saw a philosopher named David Hume, pronounced and written the same. He was known for rejecting the belief that the human mind was a minture version of a divine mind. He didn't believe in miracles. He was a utilitariast, and was first to coin the term. This means, he believes in the "ends justify the means" theory.
This philosopher was influeneced heavily by previously mentioned philosopher John Locke...

Daniel Faraday: Michael Faraday was a chemist and physicist in the 18th century. His works were centered on electromagnetism and electrochemisty. He also worked with magnetic fields surrounded objects. sounds familiar...

Miles Straume: some think it sounds like Maelstrom; a powerful tidal current or a large, "trapping" body of water...
Maybe the returning character is Mr Echo. I would like to see him back on the show, his back-story was amazing and he only "died" from whatever that black fog was (Jacob maybe?)

No-Mercy, good ideas on those names! Post more if you've got 'em!
ha thanks. im working on some, but those are the only ones that really might not just be some crazy kid desperately trying to figure something out before the people he watches the show with.

ill post anymore that get solid. the only reason i knew the first 3 so quickly is because i just got done a philosophy course.
ha thanks. im working on some, but those are the only ones that really might not just be some crazy kid desperately trying to figure something out before the people he watches the show with.

ill post anymore that get solid. the only reason i knew the first 3 so quickly is because i just got done a philosophy course.

Some very good info, Mercy. Personally, I find Jack Shepherds name to be the most telling. Undoubtedly, the amount of symbolism in Lost can get overwhelming at times, for me at least. I believe that we will come to find out there are many subtleties peppered into the dialogue between Locke and Ben that will prove extremly interesting.

I'd never actually checked on the relevance of Sayid, so that's very cool. I'll have to look more into that. Yet another reason to revisit seasons 1 and 2.:lol:

Oh yeah, it seemed that it was made somewhat clear that Ben has at least some influence on the smoke monster...interesting...