Lostprophets - Rooftops


Anssi Tenhunen
After the 2:45 mark the song starts to get like really bad, but the transition to the first chorus is something worth noting. Check it starting from ~0:45, just before where the first chorus starts; Maybe one of the punchiest chorus build up ever. I noticed the youtube version is really compressed, but the CD version kicks in really loud.

I started to analyze the part and noticed there are a few factors that contribute to the punch...

- In the verse there is only doubled lead vocals, doubled clean guitar with some slight modulation (chorus or something), clean bass, kick and snare

- In the short break just before the chorus hits, the bass guitar drops out for a bar or something

- In the chorus there is at least 4 vocal tracks, distorted guitars (doubled or quad tracked), bass sounds distorted, full drum kit and a lot of cymbal action, tambourine and judging from the music video some synths in the background, but I can't distinguish it aurally. And now that I listened the kick actually slightly ducks down in the chorus.

- in the intro the RMS is -24dB, then in the verse it goes to -12dB and jumps to -8dB in the first chorus
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Hang on.

You're saying that it's got punch in the chorus, and the average 'loudness' INCREASES in the chorus?


Dynamics + production ftw.

[btw - all joking aside, I'll dig out the CD and have a listen. LostProphets always made pretty good tunes and the production had something worth noting on every release..]