Lousy, incompetent cashier at the convenience store has WHATELY DINER syndrome


Nov 9, 2001
OK, so you remember my story about the whatley diner waitress, the mummy/skeletor and her inability to make shakes. If not, I'll refresh you all.

Whately, Massachusetts' Diner has a waitress who I ever so affectionately like to call The Mummy... or sometimes Skeletor. Because well, that's what she looks like. And I only do this because she has enormous amounts of suckage. I wouldn't dream of making such fun of a nice person. Anyway so whenever I used to go there, I would like to order a shake (or frappe, right?) with my egg and cheese sandwich with home fries. The dialogue would go something like this:

Me: "I'd like a chocolate shake please."
Skeletor: "Umm.. our um.. shake machine is broken!"
Me: "oh. Then coffee please."

OK. So the next time I visit the Whately Diner, I have a different waiter.

Me: "Hey, is your shake machine still broken?"
Waiter: "Huh?"
Me: "Last time I was here, the waitress told me the shake machine was broken."
Waiter: "No, it has never been broken. In fact, we recently got a new, shiny, awesome fancy shake machine."
Me: "Cool, I'd like a chocolate shake then, please."
Waiter: "No problem."

Yum. But.. hmmm! I guess Skeletor just didn't want to make me a shake? She didn't want to go through the trouble? O rmaybe she just doesn't know how to use the machine? Or maybe she was just innocently mistaken. Well, then. The next time I visit the Whately Diner, Skeletor is my waitress.

Me: "Hey I heard your shake machine works great and it's brand new. Can I have a chocolate shake please?"
Skeletor: "Umm.. oh.. umm... we're out of chocolate ice cream!"

WHAT!?? @$!#$ alright then....

Me: "OK, can I have a strawberry shake then?"
Skeletor: "We're also out of strawberry!"
Me: "Coffee shake?"
Skeletor: "I'm sorry, no coffee ice cream."

$@#!$!!!!! Well I'm sure as hell not going to order a VANILLA fucking shake, so I abandon the notion of a shake. Fucking, just ask someone to fucking help you make a shake, Skeletor!! GrraahH!!!!


Part 2. City Convenience, Mass. Ave, Boston.

A month or so ago, i went down there to get like a lemonade and a cookie, or something. The price was around $2.50. I tried to pay with my debit card. The lousy Ewok behind the counter snips at me. "What you wanna pay with a card for? It's only $2.50!" Yelling.

Well, I didn't have any cash on me. So charge it, you lousy Ewok. He took a good 10 MINUTES to do the procedure. Obviously, he's a little inept at swiping cards. So he didn't want to have to do that, so he tried to bully me into paying with cash. Anyway, I get my stuff and leave and my life continues.

Well OK. TODAY. JUST NOW. The Ewok is working again.

I buy a quart of Ornage Juice and a bag of popcorn. The price is $4.49. I try to pay with my card. He takes it, psuhes some buttons on his register, I'm not really paying attention to what he's doing because Mila Kunis is on the cover of a MAXIM magazine on the rack in front of me.

Ewok: "It's declined."
Me: "What?!" (I have thousands of dollars as a balance in that card.)
Ewok: "The card is declined. There's an ATM right next door."
Me: "Gimme that!"

I grumble, grab the card and go next door and withdraw a 20 dollar bill from my ABUNDANTLY SUFFICIENT FUNDS. I grumble my way back to the store and pay in cash. Now here's the relevance:

He takes the cash, but doesn't type anything into the register. Instead, he finds the receipt that he had already printed out from when i was in there and he tried to type it in a few minutes ago. The price is $4.49.

BUT! This receipt has no signature ine! So what happened actually, was that he rang it up as normal, realized he fucked up, and LIED and told me the card was declined and sent me into the cold blustery wind to get cash $#@!$@!!!

And to top it off, he had to pull out a calculator to figure out how much change he needed to give me.

"It's 15.51" I said.
"OK... " he said as he continued to punch it into the calculator.
"15.51" I say again, impatiently.
He is still punching it in.
After, oh, 2 minutes, he comes up with the result. It's 15.51. He gives me the change.

WHATELY DINER SYNDROME: When an employee of some place doesn't know how to do an aspect of their job, they lie about it and the customer ends up not getting a shake or is in some other way inconvenienced.
didn't the whately bitch also bring us our breakfast sandwiches one time but one was missing the top of the roll because it fell on the floor and she just decided not to get a new one or something like that. i hate her.

on a good customer service note i went out to eat last night and ordered a bacon cheesburger. The guy brings it out to me but there is no bacon on it. When I tell him that he asks if he could bring me the bacon on the side or if i wanted a totally new burger. I told him just the bacon on the side would fine as the burger seemed fine otherwise. So then instead of bringing what I expected which would be two or three strips of bacon for the burger, he brings me an entire plate full of like 10 strips of bacon which I guess could be considered good or bad depending on the perspective of eating healthy i suppose.
didn't the whately bitch also bring us our breakfast sandwiches one time but one was missing the top of the roll because it fell on the floor and she just decided not to get a new one or something like that. i hate her.

Ohh shit yes I remember that! And she was all like 'whatever' about it. "You can just eat it like that" and walks off!! What a cunt, and I hate using that word in such a way, but if it ever needs to be used, that girl was a cunt.

But Greg, that wasn't Skeletor. The one who did that to you was named EVA THE BANSHEE.
one time i was at the whately in a snow storm and all the lights went out and the dude who was cooking food there started singing and made everyone coffee and let us eat for free.
Once I went there and a different, nice waitress came up to us as we were sitting, waiting to order and whispers:

"All the cooks are on mushrooms, so you're not going to get what you order. You might want to leave."
haha see, that place rules. i am glad i never got the bad milkshake waitress.

i used to meet my dad there sometimes and the waitresses would totally mack on him tho and it was sorta creepy.
Would it be too much of a hassle to just get a milkshake somewhere else? Or is this like the holding-in-the-piss thread - your pain for our pleasure?

yea it was like, whately, or dairy mart haha.
i worked at dairy mart!
(incidentally, the one at the END of fraternity road at umass)
hah, 24-7?? there's a single 24-hour diner in Boston and it has an hourlong wait on weekends...everything else closes at 2 am at the LATEST (except for the occasional 3-am-closing Greek pizza place). and this is BOSTON, one of america's premier cities!

NYC is cool like that, though. you can get anything at any time, basically.
Originally posted by FuSoYa
Ohh shit yes I remember that! And she was all like 'whatever' about it. "You can just eat it like that" and walks off!! What a cunt, and I hate using that word in such a way, but if it ever needs to be used, that girl was a cunt.

But Greg, that wasn't Skeletor. The one who did that to you was named EVA THE BANSHEE.

she totally was always in a bad mood everytime we ate their and she was our waitress.