Love of Live (part två)

SOAD? Some kind of pork?

More of a chicken product, I believe...

Sigurðr;9630503 said:
woah! soad was my first favorite metal band, i listen to them since 1999.
I really want a new cd, hope they come back definitely.
Good show! I know its gonna worth it.
btw, are you in vacation in Italia? sounds nice :)

Vacation for a few days only, visiting some friends down there, who by the way also are big Mr. V fans...
anybody going to Ragnarök festival this year? Awesome lineup this time: Wolfchant, Battlelore, Graveworm, Enslaved, Orphaned Land, Thyrfing, Shining, Catamenia, Månegarm, Alcest, Kampfar, Negură Bunget, Agrypnie, Sahg, Ignis Fatuu, Odroerir, Valkyrja, Bran Barr, Hammer Horde, Bifröst, Path of Golconda, Vrankenvorde, Eïs. I wonder if the tickets are still available...
Will see Kvelertak tomorrow - hope it will be a blast with lots o' beer! (actually that might be more interesting than the music :p)
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Went to see Battlesoul in concert last night and they kicked ass. I also really loved one of the opening bands, Perpetuate, they put on a hell of a good show. It was just a damn shame that during Perpetuate's set it seemed that the mic for the vocalist wasn't loud enough because you could barely hear her, which sucks because she has a damn good voice.
I will go to 'midgard paganfest' here in may, it´s gonna be awesome, arkona and another pagan metal bands or whatever they call it nowadays.

There was a folkmetal night last Friday at our local hang-out concert hall, with three unsigned Danish acts.

First up was Sylvatica. Had never heard of them before this evening, and I was stuck in line outside, so I only got to see the end of their show, but it didn't bother me much as they weren't really my taste. All black vocals, not much folk to be found, and an excessive use of stage-blood...

Second band was Huldre, which was what I was looking forward to the most. They sound a bit like early Lumsk, but with all female vocals instead of the mix. Have seen them once before, and have their demo. I really like this band, and think they can go far with the right deal. Awesome show, everybody was happy and dancing arm in arm; even their vocalist, Nanna Barslev, left the stage during an instrumental song to dance with the crowd. :)

Last band was Vanir, a band I'm not too familiar with, but I have seen them once before. Quite a large group, seven members in total, and a small stage, so it was pretty crowded. Towards the end a shitload of the crowd went up on stage as well, and at that time there really wasn't any room left! Still, they had a good energy about them, and everyone was happy, and moshing and dancing in turn. They sound quite like another Danish band called Svartsot, which you might have heard of.

Anyway, pictures and more lengthy reviews are working their way up on our site... Huldre is there already, and Vanir should be there as well in the next couple of days.
@Tobz: Do you know any good folk/black/viking bands from Denmark? It's a funny fact that i know a lots of Scandinavian bands but everyone are from Sweden or Norway...from Denmark i only know Svartsot, and i tried to find some dannish bands but i can't find anything in those genres i told in the first lines..can you help me? :)
Uhm, well... The two I mentioned are pretty good, although none of them have released an album yet, so... As I said before, Vanir is very similar to Svartsot, so if you like them you'll most likely like Vanir as well. They have just signed a contract, so an album is brewing there I suppose. Also, Svartsot is in the progress of making their third album, more or less themed about the time of the black plague if I remember correctly.

But sadly metal in general, and especially in a specialized genre such as folk/viking/pagan, is not at all as big in Denmark as it is in the rest of the northern countries, don't really know why... People aren't as open about it here, sadly. It is coming though, slowly. I think Volbeat have made a nice breakthrough to the general public, so now we'll just have to wait until the rest is more acceptable as well...

So basically, to answer your question, apart from Svartsot and Týr, there are mostly small unsigned underground bands here in Denmark, at least as far as I've been able to dig... Generally, the Danish scene is more about either death metal or some form of all the ***core genrs out there.
One band (black) which I thought was really on the break of greatness was Illnath, in which Narrenschiff (original Ásmegin vocalist) sang. Saw them a couple of times live, and they really kicked ass. Sadly, it seems like the (no offense girls) girlfriend issue might have killed that band of. Narrenschiff is now gone, and the girlfriend of one of the musicians is the new vocalist. Seen her once, and that was enough to drive a stake through the bands heart. Can't remember her vocals as such, but she had such a bad attitude on stage it killed the whole show. And that time she was only a guest-vocalist on one track! Anyway, I know several of the other musicians have left/been kicked out as well, so at the moment it's only her, the bassist and the guitarist left...