love or infactuation

love or infactuation

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I think there is such a thing as true love, yes. But it surely isn't this pink coloured dream in which everything works perfectly and blabla. Im not sure if everyone is able to find it, either. I think it takes sacrifices, adaption and patience and not everyone is willing to invest that. Im not saying it's hard work, you just have to remind you of what you've signed up for, and you'll be well rewarded :)
False until I've been proven otherwise.... Get burned bad and you tend to have a pretty pessimisttic outlook on it....

"InfaCtuation".... :lol: (no offense)
yeh i believe there is love but not this shit were after a week you tell someone you're in love with them haha i think it comes with quality time.
ah whatever thats my opinion :)
Love is something very hard to come by, i dont believe many people feel it...what exactly is love? how do you know if you love somebody? I've got no clue, most love leads to hurt, so i dont think its worth it right now.
Explosive_Pyro said:
is love real or is it all infactuation i want to see what u guys feel and your opinions
Where did you learn English?

Also, I voted other because none of the other choices make any sense.
Most of the times it's only infatuation, then when it's over it can become love but it's rare. Speaking the truth in 23 years of life I think I've just fallen in love once, others were all infatuations.
what's with the love/sex obsession the board is going through?

yeah i believe in love. the reason most of us get hearbroken so often is because we fall in love with the "might be" instead of what "is", with an illusion of what we think the other person is or might become if you make little changes etc. i agree love grows and gets stronger with time, if you make the effort, so in that sense i agree with susie, but on the other hand, you can easily tell when you're feeling something different that you haven't before.

edit: btw, maybe it would be good if you rephrase the poll, i voted for what i assumed means "there IS true love but in most cases its infatuation"
Oh it (love) exists alright. It's as elusive as all hell, but it's there nonetheless.
There is a such a thing as love, but I have never felt it before. The making out with girls at bars and occasional sex that I have experienced is NOT love, but purely physical. I hope to someday find a woman to love and spend my time with.
Evan84 said:
Where did you learn English?

Also, I voted other because none of the other choices make any sense.

i know they dont make sence i realized that after i submited it but its my first poll and i dont know how to change it. but the reason i started this poll is cause my best friend in the hole worl i made him a promise and his phone got turned off so i couldnt talk to him 4 like 2 months the promise was that i would be w/him when i broke up w/michale appently he knew michael would cheat on me but i wouldnt listen to him but when he told me he hated me i thought there was nothing left for me to make me want to live so i tryed oding but i have high tolerance and well i realized after he said that that i would do anything just for him i didnt think i loved him but when he said that i realized hell if love is real u cn only love one person and i love him i have spent the last 1 1/2 weeks (not being able to talk to him) trying to make him realize im sry and i love him. u guz can see his pics on yeah its my website also sign my guest book and tell me your from um or u can go to well tell me what u guys think still i love him i kow it hes my munky (not literally a munky)
the way I look at it is there is a such thing as love but infactuation and lust are often confused for love. I thought I was in love a few times it was in fact one of the other two. but there was one girl that I felt we connected on a better level other than just fucking and hanging out and all that shit, if I ever was really in love it was with her. but those days are long over, its been years and I still think about her sometimes. I really fucked that relationship.
Explosive_Pyro said:
i know they dont make sence i realized that after i submited it but its my first poll and i dont know how to change it. but the reason i started this poll is cause my best friend in the hole worl i made him a promise and his phone got turned off so i couldnt talk to him 4 like 2 months the promise was that i would be w/him when i broke up w/michale appently he knew michael would cheat on me but i wouldnt listen to him but when he told me he hated me i thought there was nothing left for me to make me want to live so i tryed oding but i have high tolerance and well i realized after he said that that i would do anything just for him i didnt think i loved him but when he said that i realized hell if love is real u cn only love one person and i love him i have spent the last 1 1/2 weeks (not being able to talk to him) trying to make him realize im sry and i love him.
This may be the longest sentence in the English language. Ever. :guh:

@Serial: It's "Infatuation", not "Infactuation", just so you know.

I thought I was in love once or twice, but then the slow bastard that I am, realised that regardless of what the feelings I had were, they could harldy be qualified as 'love' until such a time as they were returned.
The poll options weren't exactly something I wanted to choose from. Real love do exist but I think it's hard to find. Infactuation happens every now and then - it's basically normal thing to feel. Real love takes time to develop and bloom but there's a romantic side in me that says it can also happen at first sight. ;)