
Norsemaiden said:
Would it be fair to say that some races (for whatever reason) are more promiscuous sexually than others? Would it be fair to say that this behaviour correlates in some way with prevalence of AIDS and other STDs? If anyone thinks so are they an evil racist?
if there were no STDs at all anywhere in the world then people would be probably be promiscuous enough to prove the theory that males are more promiscuous than females because of one of those sex-linked traits where more males have a recesive-gene condition because the Y-chromosome has no genes
... the book that says "in a comepletely sane person self preservation supersedes everything else and subsequently love and altruism are forms of psychosis..."

Yet to love another is to love oneself. Mind/body dualism, remove thy disguise yet again...
speed said:
There is nothing more pathetic than people who love their pets more than they love other people. They cant talk back or give back; they are totally dependent on humans--which is why i am concerned with those who love pets so much.

Yes, I find it pathetic, too, but humans too are basically dependent on other humans. If social networks are taken away from them, they either wouldn't be able to survive because they are too specialized or even if they possessed the proper skills, they would fall to pieces out of sheer loneliness. I've come to realize that everyone is dependent. What differs is upon what and whether the given thing tries to hide its utter dependency or not.

"He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god." ~ Aristotle
Demiurge said:
Yes, I find it pathetic, too, but humans too are basically dependent on other humans. If social networks are taken away from them, they either wouldn't be able to survive because they are too specialized or even if they possessed the proper skills, they would fall to pieces out of sheer loneliness. I've come to realize that everyone is dependent. What differs is upon what and whether the given thing tries to hide its utter dependency or not.

"He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god." ~ Aristotle

I remember that quote from his Politics. I do think man can be self sufficient, just this special trait or disposition, is very rare, and most humans dont have the power to do it.
infoterror said:
I believe this to be a fundamentally important emotion, and I see emotions as a type of logic.

But there are two types of love:

(a) Personal: I love X or Y or Z; I love myself.

(b) Holistic: love of universe as system of design/thought.

I think both are needed, but (b) must take precedence over (a).

Love is just an anchor that drowned a man....................................
Aw poor men your lives are so hard.

I don't even know what to say in response to everything you people have stated. Especially the person who claims humans aren't allowed to love their pet more than the man down the street. Lord.
Susperia said:
Aw poor men your lives are so hard.

I don't even know what to say in response to everything you people have stated. Especially the person who claims humans aren't allowed to love their pet more than the man down the street. Lord.

That would be me. Yes, it is shame there are still laws against bestiality, and not against sodomy.
if there were no STDs at all anywhere in the world then people would be probably be promiscuous enough to prove the theory that males are more promiscuous than females because of one of those sex-linked traits where more males have a recesive-gene condition because the Y-chromosome has no genes

The Y-chromosome does have genes I believe, just not very much in comparison to X chromosomes, if the Y didn't have any genes then a male would take no genetic traits from his father.

I do believe that men are more likely to be promiscius then women naturally, however I do not think that monogamy in a male is a foreign nor even feared concept by a man.
wait a second here... when a person (male or female) enjoys receiving anal then how the fucking hell can you (or anyone else) say that a rape is being commited???

I was kidding.
sorry i sometimes have trouble detecting sarcasm

I would have thought the bestiality reference was enough. I responded in context to that girls comment that it was weird for me to question the fact that some love their dog, more than the guy down the street.
Hahaha. You've interpreted the word love as sexual love. No, I dont' have sex with my dog----- But yeah I love him more than the man down the street.