
speed said:
I would have thought the bestiality reference was enough. I responded in context to that girls comment that it was weird for me to question the fact that some love their dog, more than the guy down the street.
was all of this some kind of reference to who ever the fuck it was that was bitching about pet owners and said something to the effect of "any random human being should be more important than your favorite animal"???
Christianity says that any random human being is more important than any animal. Christianity is about loving everyone, ideally equally much and animals are far less important. Don't make the mistake of thinking that I'm a Christian.
You know, love is an ever evolving human emotion. Love makes us feel giddy, comfortable, happy, secure, and wanted (amongst other adjectives). Love, like wisdom, can change over time within a person. The feelings you have for someone you have loved for a long period of time when you're, say, 40 years not the same kind of love you had for that first love at age 16. Also, love is different in scope and strength depending on the person. For instance, love for a child. There was a study I read several years back, where a large group of men, and a large group of women (both groups were married with children) were asked who they loved more...their children or their spouses. Men in a large percentage chose their wives, while women chose their children.
Sorry to repost, but I have to add that there is nothing wrong with someone "loving" their pets more than other humans. Every person, at some point in their lives, will need to be loved and loved back. For some people, their cat, dog, snake whatever fills that need.
Akirahito said:
Sorry to repost, but I have to add that there is nothing wrong with someone "loving" their pets more than other humans. Every person, at some point in their lives, will need to be loved and loved back. For some people, their cat, dog, snake whatever fills that need.
loving animals more than people makes sense when you acknowledge that people are evil
Akirahito said:
Sorry to repost, but I have to add that there is nothing wrong with someone "loving" their pets more than other humans. Every person, at some point in their lives, will need to be loved and loved back. For some people, their cat, dog, snake whatever fills that need.

It's hard for you to think in terms other than black and white, isn't it.
speed said:
There is nothing more pathetic than people who love their pets more than they love other people. They cant talk back or give back; they are totally dependent on humans--which is why i am concerned with those who love pets so much.

I see nothing wrong with this Christian view (although one most likely not held by christ). People are and should be more important. Its only a few more steps to vegetarianism from the other standpoint.

.....if an intergalatic species were observing us from another planet, do you think we would be worth saving? In all honestly, think about it. Do you honestly think that after what we have done to this planet and it's people for generations upon generations, that we are worth loving or saving for that matter? I'm not arrogant enough to believe for a moment.....that's not a shot at you or any other member.....that we are truly worth the time and effort. We have our glimpses of enlightenment, but resort back to our primitive selves when no one is looking.

I just believe that we are incapable of love because in theory, it may seem like an emotion that we can hang our hat on. But in reality, it is not viable as it lends to what we cannot have or cannot give. We are no better or worse than any other species on this planet. Except in these facts: We take without asking, we take without replacing, we kill without renewing. Every other species uses this planet for it's survival and continuance. We use it to stoke our ego.

Love of country does not drive you to defend it. Duty and fear of extinction does. Love of a woman does not drive you to pursue her. It is the hope of sex, and the continuation of this drive. Love of employment does not drive one to work long hours. It is to provide the basic neccessities and to live the good life.

Maybe that last part should be on another thread. But I believe we were not created from love.....therefore how can we demonstrate love. Unless you have a Christian background and believe in creationism as opposed to evolution.

I don't believe in is simply a social device in order to create the myth of family and bonding. Deep down inside, we are as primitive as apes. Only covered up and distinguished by our uniforms of employment, the cars we drive, or the homes we live in.
The Winnipeg Warrior said:
if an intergalatic species were observing us from another planet, do you think we would be worth saving? Do you honestly think that after what we have done to this planet and it's people for generations upon generations, that we are worth loving or saving for that matter?
no way in hell
Susperia said:
It's hard for you to think in terms other than black and white, isn't it.

I think more in terms of logic. Every grey area is up for debate my young friend. Those areas are filled with emotionality that is dictated by whomever shares those feelings. You cannot associate someone else's feelings as your own, rather you have to put a generic blanket on everything in order for other people to understand you. Otherwise emotion (i.e. other people's emotions) get in the way and the point gets lost in a battle over who's feelings on a subject are right/wrong.
Akirahito said:
I think more in terms of logic. Every grey area is up for debate my young friend. Those areas are filled with emotionality that is dictated by whomever shares those feelings. You cannot associate someone else's feelings as your own, rather you have to put a generic blanket on everything in order for other people to understand you. Otherwise emotion (i.e. other people's emotions) get in the way and the point gets lost in a battle over who's feelings on a subject are right/wrong.
read the words in my new sig