
read the words in my new sig
the words are a quote from the psychotically Christian female character from the American cartoon "Drawn Together" i like the quote because it shows how right-wing people can use the christian religion to justify doing the specific things that seem idiotic to the inteligent atheistic people whose minds haven't been brainwashed by the cultish concept of religion
.....I'll put this into perspective.

Can you love a single woman in a monagamous relationship? And can you also love many women in a polyagamous one?

Can you have sexual relations with just one person.....and feel secure in this union? And can you belong to the Swinging crowd.....and feel just as secure?

Either way, I don't think that love plays into this. It's all about security and freedom of expression.....I don't think that love or lust have any role to play here in any one of these examples.

It's no different than getting a tattoo, creating a piece of art, or writing a novel. These terms may leave one wondering what the hell I'm talking about.....but it's all about the ability to experience what you want when you want.....with no judgement whatsoever.

If there is any love involved, I would say that it is more of a "self-love" than towards the other person(s). You have to love yourself and respect yourself and be able to feel confortable in your own skin before you can connect with any other person(s).....whether or not it is a straight or gay relationship. We all feel the same thing. You come first.....everything and everyone else is only an option at your disposal..
The Winnipeg Warrior said:
.....I'll put this into perspective.

Can you love a single woman in a monagamous relationship? And can you also love many women in a polyagamous one?

Can you have sexual relations with just one person.....and feel secure in this union? And can you belong to the Swinging crowd.....and feel just as secure?

Either way, I don't think that love plays into this. It's all about security and freedom of expression.....I don't think that love or lust have any role to play here in any one of these examples.

It's no different than getting a tattoo, creating a piece of art, or writing a novel. These terms may leave one wondering what the hell I'm talking about.....but it's all about the ability to experience what you want when you want.....with no judgement whatsoever.

If there is any love involved, I would say that it is more of a "self-love" than towards the other person(s). You have to love yourself and respect yourself and be able to feel confortable in your own skin before you can connect with any other person(s).....whether or not it is a straight or gay relationship. We all feel the same thing. You come first.....everything and everyone else is only an option at your disposal..

In my pessimism I agree with you. What's more, I'd like to add one of my favorite writer's: Flaubert, and his ideas regarding love. Essentially as Flaubert writes in Sentimental Education, and some of his correspondence, the concept and feeling of love is "A subjective emotion, best enjoyed in solitary reverie." The realities of passion and love were always distasteful to Gustave; love for Flaubert, increased in its charm and power the father away his mistress was, or the more inaccessible she was to him. I suppose this is the same way I feel. After the first few weeks of passion and physical closeness in any relationship, love, returns to its ideal. But again, I am a pessismistic person by nature and no Lord Byron or Casanova.

Another idea I posted before, and no one mentioned--perhaps because it wasnt all that interesting--is the fact love seems to be as much based on proximity as it does Cupid's arrow or divine spark. Almost everyone falls in love with someone they work with, went to school with, live in the same building with, or find in the same area on the internet. It is rare for love to be found any other way.
Final_Product said:
6 Billion people in the world and we fool ourselves into thinking we have found our soulmate, huh?

Maybe we just all need to find our perfect Beatrice, and compose sonnets in her honor. And for physical intimacy, one would travel down to the local whorehouse and purchase the sexual passion they so desire. Its so European, and perhaps healthier--who knows?
speed said:
Maybe we just all need to find our perfect Beatrice, and compose sonnets in her honor. And for physical intimacy, one would travel down to the local whorehouse and purchase the sexual passion they so desire. Its so European, and perhaps healthier--who knows?

I certainly like the idea :)

I take the negative view and do not believe in love. I do believe in finding someone who can create a mutually beneifical emotional and physical relationship with me, though.
Akirahito said:
There are different kinds of love as well
there's really only 2 types of love
there's love that's an extension/mutation of lust
and then there's love that isn't which is really just a form of psychosis
tr_ofdallas said:
there's really only 2 types of love
there's love that's an extension/mutation of lust
and then there's love that isn't which is really just a form of psychosis

But if "love" is a psychosis then can it ever be beneficial?
speed said:
Maybe we just all need to find our perfect Beatrice, and compose sonnets in her honor. And for physical intimacy, one would travel down to the local whorehouse and purchase the sexual passion they so desire. Its so European, and perhaps healthier--who knows?

Except when Beatrice finds out about you seeing the whores and decides she hates you....
Norsemaiden said:
Except when Beatrice finds out about you seeing the whores and decides she hates you....

All the more reason to drown ones sorrows in a plethora of whores upon Beatrice finding out.
I feel that I know what love is. But to explain it? well its pretty hard to describe how something feels. And since I am very spiritual, and I have experienced somethings that I can't really describe in words other than bliss. I certainly believe that Love is achieveable but I think most people here will never have it simply because they think more then they feel.

The way that I can describe love, is a constant connection and exchange of energies between heart chakras. For example. everytime a girl has broken up with me, I felt the severed connection days before the actual break up,
Norsemaiden said:
Except when Beatrice finds out about you seeing the whores and decides she hates you....

Who says I have even had a conversation with my Beatrice? I'd think far more of her, and her me, if she was kept in the dark as to my amorous intentions.
Silver Incubus said:
I certainly believe that Love is achieveable but I think most people here will never have it simply because they think more then they feel.

Just because someone is a critical thinker, does not mean they are somehow incapable of emotion.
judas69 said:
Just because someone is a critical thinker, does not mean they are somehow incapable of emotion.

With posts like this

.....if an intergalatic species were observing us from another planet, do you think we would be worth saving? In all honestly, think about it. Do you honestly think that after what we have done to this planet and it's people for generations upon generations, that we are worth loving or saving for that matter? I'm not arrogant enough to believe for a moment.....that's not a shot at you or any other member.....that we are truly worth the time and effort. We have our glimpses of enlightenment, but resort back to our primitive selves when no one is looking.

I just believe that we are incapable of love because in theory, it may seem like an emotion that we can hang our hat on. But in reality, it is not viable as it lends to what we cannot have or cannot give. We are no better or worse than any other species on this planet. Except in these facts: We take without asking, we take without replacing, we kill without renewing. Every other species uses this planet for it's survival and continuance. We use it to stoke our ego.

Love of country does not drive you to defend it. Duty and fear of extinction does. Love of a woman does not drive you to pursue her. It is the hope of sex, and the continuation of this drive. Love of employment does not drive one to work long hours. It is to provide the basic neccessities and to live the good life.

Maybe that last part should be on another thread. But I believe we were not created from love.....therefore how can we demonstrate love. Unless you have a Christian background and believe in creationism as opposed to evolution.

I don't believe in is simply a social device in order to create the myth of family and bonding. Deep down inside, we are as primitive as apes. Only covered up and distinguished by our uniforms of employment, the cars we drive, or the homes we live in.

I tend to think that if you think about LOVE as something that can be measure and rationalized, then you may never understand that it just is.