Low CPU Guitar Distortion


Mar 23, 2006
Fox Lake, IL
Hey all. Just started recording guitars direct for re-amping and I was just wondering what you all use for the tracks for Distortion till you can re-amp them later. Right now I am using the voxengo Boogex and it works o.k. but am wondering what other options are out there. Right now I havew a Fender Squire in the controll room with a Digitech Distortion pedal for refernce while they play. Then I record the dry signal into my Mackie Spike into Adobe Audition 2. Then listening back I use the voxengo Boogex for the raw tracks. Later I will reamp with eathier the bands amp (Peavey XXL) or use Guitar Rig. Is there a better sounding low CPU distortion out there? Thanks for your time guys.

Brad Dausman
AngerMan Productions