Lucky Evile merch cock up!


New Metal Member
Jun 13, 2011
I thought i would mention how awesome the guys are earache are!

i ordered the enter the grave redux and gas mask t shirt in January and when my gas mask t shirt came it was an XL instead of a L and my ETG had no pick in it! JUST MY LUCK! So i rang the guys up and they said they will sort it, so a couple of days later they sent me a extra 4 tshirts! (Nations white, Nations black, Killer from the deep, Enter the grave black) and sent me all 3 of the guitar picks that were possible to get with the redux! HOW AWESOME!

Earache rocks!
They've always been very good to me. I bought a signed CD from them a few years ago and when it arrived it wasn't a signed copy, so I emailed and told them what had happened and they sent out the signed one and told me I could keep the other. Also, they sent me two Infected Nations LPs when I only ordered one.
Earache's services are on and off with me. Sometimes they'll send it early and I'll get it four or five days before the expected delivery date, but then I get instances where my order will take forever (as is my current situation with a Carcass CD I bought off their Amazon store)