MegadeV said:
I just checked those threads to be sure and I found exactly what I expected. There was no mention of how tough Lunar Still or Dreaming Neon Black thought they were compared to you (or anybody for that matter). They just ripped on the drunken idiot who deserved to be ripped on.

Just because you can kick somebody's ass doesn't make you more metal. Just because you like Jack Daniels a little too much doesn't make it OK to fuck with the mic cord during a show. Even if they did get up in your face and you kicked their ass all the way to Vancouver, you would still be the jerkoff who fucked with the mic cord and they would still be right.

Where did he say he wanted to kick their ass? I saw the mic incident up close. It didn't go down as the guy who up at the top of the stairs portrayed it.
I believe he just said that next time they can tell him to his face instead of bitching to their keyboard. There is a difference there chief.
cuznjohn said:
Where did he say he wanted to kick their ass? I saw the mic incident up close. It didn't go down as the guy who up at the top of the stairs portrayed it.
I believe he just said that next time they can tell him to his face instead of bitching to their keyboard. There is a difference there chief.

OK, I didn't notice the mic cord incident, so I'll guess I can give you/Metal Blood the benefit of the doubt. But they usually don't kick people out of shows unless they did something to deserve it.

Do you mean to say that the quote below doesn't imply some sort of "I'd kick your ass" mentality?

Metal Blood said:
I welcome you to come to a show in Vancouver or next time you are at a show in Seattle, please email me at to meet up, then you can tell me to my face what you think. I doubt that would happen because you had the perfect chance to do so that night and didn't.
MegadeV said:
OK, I didn't notice the mic cord incident, so I'll guess I can give you/Metal Blood the benefit of the doubt. But they usually don't kick people out of shows unless they did something to deserve it.

Do you mean to say that the quote below doesn't imply some sort of "I'd kick your ass" mentality?

I guess I just appreciate someone that talks to your face instead of going home to their computer. But I don't read kick your ass because it doesn't say kick your ass. Generally in these threads the ass kicking is generously offered without any interpretation required.

I referred to the kicking out incident earlier in the thread. Several people got the boot for being nothing more than curious about when the band was coming out after the show. One of those don't cross this line security guys. No physicality involved...just putting of a toe over the line.
Will Bozarth said:
btw, I saw the dude playin with the mic cord. and I also saw Warrel pull it away from him and laugh at him. soooooooo yeah.

Warrel has no trouble expressing himself. If someone was intentionally pulling his mic, there would have been something said.....
good lord...what the hell is this?
Metal Blood is the kind of people i hate being next to or near at shows...reminds me of that fag that poured his damn cheap ass corona on me during Impaleds set...
stop whining or else...BE READY NOW WITH BITCHING AROUND!
Will Bozarth said:
*bends you over and proceeds to do you in the buttocks*

Unfortunately I had to keep pushing today,
until you had no more to say,
then much to my great dismay,
all you could do was pull out the gay.
Yea... I kept hittin' that guy's arm down and then he elbowed me. I laughed, Warrel laughed.

Warrel was in my face the whole fucking time. I even got a few cock shots...

...that didn't sound too good.
cuznjohn said:
I guess I just appreciate someone that talks to your face instead of going home to their computer. But I don't read kick your ass because it doesn't say kick your ass. Generally in these threads the ass kicking is generously offered without any interpretation required.

I referred to the kicking out incident earlier in the thread. Several people got the boot for being nothing more than curious about when the band was coming out after the show. One of those don't cross this line security guys. No physicality involved...just putting of a toe over the line.

OK the statement in red, Isn't that what you are doing right now, sitting on a computer and talking shit back and forth?

Not trying to be bitchy, but it's a tad bit hypocritical don't you think?
I just don't see any reason in going on and on about this. Were's the love man?

WIL: Love the poetry hun. HAHAHA

And Dan is an awesome guy, he does not deserve to be attacked like this.

Again where is the love ?